Pat there's nothing wrong with your trim, I'm not slandering you buddy.. I've installed one of your trims, after hrs of grinding to make it fit , then making it round because it was welded like a egg, aft all that it broke.. So yeah I may have some hard feelings on the trim...
I'm glad you replaced his trim ring.. You always replaced anything that failed and that's great which makes XS a top notch company in the Jetski world... I should know I've spent over 20k with you over th years
I guess my problem is I'll tell it like it is, I don't sugar coat anything on anyone's products... Everyone has products fail, a good poke makes the next product better...
But to pm me about Karma... You don't want me to keep this fire going because I know alot that I've kept my mouth shut about that has to do with you and XS... So let's just drop the BS pat you want to talk you got my number Mr. karma
merry Christmas see ya real soon