Texoma Ride June 26-28, 2009 CANCELLED


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What'd FA predict for last weekend?

Like I guys told you last year. RAIN. I voted the weekend before or after. but since the 13-14-15 was the only weekend some could make it it was set for that weekend. Then some didnt show that pushed for that weekend.
Hey I know the FA is out there but so far this year our ride weather has been crappy.

Im off work June 27th weekend, im good for it. I just hope the weather is good.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
One thing to keep in mind. Last year, when we had fewer boats than usual for Texoma, the locals filled us in AFTER the fact, that the big boats sometimes "save up" on the weekend before and the weekend after July 4th. June 27th will be the weekend before, so I would expect that there might be less big boat traffic than usual, kinda like happened last year.

If there's any way we can swap it, we might want to factor that in to the voting. I'm good for any weekend, even though I still might not be riding much by then. I'd be more likely to be back up to speed by later in June, so late would actually be a bit better for me. I just wanted to point out the big boat issue.
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Just plain me....
Don't think voting has been an issue. Everyone seems to agree on the last weekend. Larry stated it would work best for him. He's the man in charge. If he builds it, they will come:biggrin:

Thanks Larry for making it happen!!


No shirts
No group meals
No give-a-ways
Ride it till it pukes then steal your buddies ski and ride it till it pukes
Its old school purist FreeRide

We will have some crazy drunk guy banging on trailers in the wee morning looking for a tow.
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