[EVIL]satan loves you[/EVIL]
[evil]Yamaslut likes this one better![/evil]
[evil]Yamaslut likes this one better![/evil]
I figured you'd like that.
edwin is a computer geek?
nice sweater vest!oke:
(i wish I saved the geeky beard pic too.)
the beard pic magicly appeared. Now I know why everyone chalenges you when it comes to tricks. this guy doesn't look like he could ride. :bigeyes:(i wish I saved the geeky beard pic too.)
same vest, 8 years earlier. computer geeks run the earth.
otherwise all you keyboard cowboy homos would have to revert back to your peanut butter dog days. :cool2:
not to mention my sweet glasses and sideburns. :biggthumpup:
the beard pic magicly appeared. Now I know why everyone chalenges you when it comes to tricks. this guy doesn't look like he could ride. :bigeyes:
the raffle/auction/givaways lasted more than 2 hours last year. you're in for a long night this year! you'll need to call more than one number at a time AND need your PA system or a bullhorn. great work slutty.
this sounds like its going to be sooooooo much better than wf. i can't wait. i usually go to daytona in march for bike week/racing etc.. but i can't miss this. two and a half hrs from home!! SWEEETTT!!! thanks nick! (and everyone else involved).:Banane01: :cheer: :Banane01: :cheer: :Banane01: :cheer: :Banane09: :Banane09: :beerchug: :beerchug: :Banane35: :Banane35: :djsmilie: