Agree, Dan put on another awesome show and we may have had the best combination of surf and sun yet!
What bothers me though is the few "bad apples" that seem to show up to these events...
A lot of us remember a couple years ago when a Thrust hood was stolen and never heard from again.
Saturday night while in Peabody's, I got word my truck was missing from the parking lot. Long story short, a group of jet ski kids from New York stole my hitch hauler, then after sobering up a little, decided to put it back on, and got caught in the act.
Dan also specifically asked that we take care of the hotel pool and deck and not throw trash in the pool. And sure enough, there were bottles and cans floating in the pool Sunday morning.
Finally, Dan, the man who devotes himself to put this event on that takes months of planning and coordination from him, and then working non-stop Thursday to Monday to make sure everything happens, and all for charity, can't find his life jacket or helmet yesterday. Maybe someone accidentally grabbed it thinking it was their buddy's stuff, and they'll see this and send it back, but the thought of someone stealing it makes me feel pretty sick. I sure hope someone wasn't that low. I hope Dan gets his stuff back.
I hope people can have a little more respect at future events and police each other a little better. I know we all want to have fun, but sometimes fun for you results in a bad experience for someone else...
Ending on a positive note, I was very excited to hear Dan will do a fall event!