The 8th Annual D.C. Lites Racing Turkey Shoot out results are in!!!

WOW!!!! What a weekend and what GREAT racing and FUN had by all!

Jennifer and I arrived on Friday night around 8:15pm in Chilly Beaumont Tx and Steve and Stephanie Issacs already had the Bonfire NICE and Toasty! We sat and talked about how much fun weve had this season and other stuff and what was in store for next season! We partied till 3:30am by Playing Steves drums and JUMPING the FIRE! HAHA

Saturday was great with homemade Biscuits & Gravy by Steph and then we all Headed to BoomTown lake for some Buoy Running and for us to scope out a RETURN to this GREAT site for a Race in 09 there! The site will be PERFECT! We set up a fairly large course on saturday as a practice and warm up with 10 people on saturday and even Mike & Tamara Thomas made an appearance for a while!

Saturday night was even more fun as our friends treated us to the sights and sounds of Beaumont! We went to Crockett street and hung out and danced at the Dixie Dance hall till 1:30am they played an array of music and it was fun..We got back to the house and continued the party!

Finally we all retired due to us knowing we had to be up fairly early for the shoot out!
I woke up around 5:45am and a SmartA$$ in the house had turned up the heater to 85degrees and I litterly thought I had died and gone to hell and I was cooking! I almost grabbed my pillows and headed for the cold grass outside as I looked at everyone else sleeping and noticing they werent sweating bullets like I was..Me thinking that there was just something wrong with me till I figured out the heater had been turned up! HAHA Very Funny! We never really found out who did that one!

Sunday morning alot of us were up early but some were dragging there butts! All were pooped from partying but were ready to see who would walk home with 2 huge 17 lb turkey and 2 honey baked hams and 2 unlucky ones that would take home the COVETED packs of Bologna!
We finally got moving and everyone started arriving about the same time at Boomtown Lake! It was great to seee everyone again form the past season and the Crap talking had already started and was in full swing!

I went out and set up the LARGEST course any of these guys had seen! If they wanted that 17lb turkey they were going to have to EARN it!
The course times out at about 2 1/2 Minutes and had several technical areas and one section I integrated a TIGHT slalom section on one side.
If you never have been to Boomtown Lake you wouldnt understand but we USED the WHOLE LAKE for this track and had a Very large crown of spectators curious as to what we were about to do because there is big RV park there with alot of the IKE survivors staying there for the time being and once all the racing started it looked like Giants stadium with flash bulbs going off! These people were really getting into all of this and cheering!

Now on to the start!

Everyone lined up and we gave everyone the task of deciding how long they wanted to run whether it be laps or timed...They decided on a one moto 30 minute run with a dead engine start!

Well it was set we all lined up eager talking trash to one another and laughing our butts off at the same time! Then Jammin jenna gave the command and we were off!
Junior rider Zach Issacs jumped out in front of everyone and took off but was soon passed by Flyin Brian on "The Big Green School Bus" but held off the rest of the field till after the 3rd turn but was still in the mix for 2 laps and a 92 kawasaki 750 SX..Yes single carb! The length to the 1st turn was a little over a 1/4 mile. Devon hathaway was close behind zach as he hit "The Big Green School Bus" (thanks Campisis for the name!) pump wash and ate water!
Steve Issacs took the hole shot in the blaster class trying to keep pace with the lone R/A and started pulling away from his comp and the rest of the field..The REAL Race was going on in the Ski division..A run what ya brung class! Heath Hoekstra took the early lead but soon over corrected on a turn and fell over then Robert Campisi took the lead for a very short while as Kevin Branch and Devon Hathaway had caught up again with them and went to work with Kevin Branch not wasting ANY time and taking what he wanted. He took the lead after the 1st i think 4 laps and steadily ate away at his lead! Increasing it each lap...This course was KB's style becuae he runs the supercourse series and during the regular season. KB fell over a couple of time but kept his ski near him each time. Back in 2nd place was the battle for the Ham between Heath and Robert...They battled the whole time till campisi started running out of steam and knew he could not keep pace with the younger rider so just stayed his pace and kept Hoekstra in his sights in case Hoekstra decided to swim..Then with 4 minutes to go Heath went down...Campisi made a mad run for him but Heath knew he was coming and dug deep and got up quick and took off, as he did campisi hit his pump wash and bit it hard! He knew he was prob going to be eating Bologna for lunch this week!
Devon Hathaway had come off the track halfway thru due to an injury when he bit it real hard but came off with all smiles and laughing about it and was cheering his fellow comp on from the shore!

In the Sport class Steve Issacs had walked away with the turkey and never looked back with Luke Nelson pulling out after him also giving everyone a great Yardsale and he said he would settle for the ham!

Jammin Jenna took the helm of "The Big Green School Bus" at the half-way point and TORE up the track for 15 minutes and looked well! She gave Steve a run every time she LAPPED HIM!!!

Zach Issacs went the full 30 minutes and took home the win in the junior class as the only Junior comp.

So here are the final results for the 2008 D.C. Lites Racing Turkey Shoot-out:

Sport Class:
Steve Issacs=17lb Butterball Turkey
Luke Nelson=Honey Baked Ham

R/A Class:
"Flyin" Brian&Jammin Jenna=Had Fun

Junior class:
Zach Issacs=Whole Chicken

Ski Class:
Kevin Branch=17lb Butterball Turkey
Heath Hoekstra=Honey Baked Ham
Robert Campisi=Pack of Bologna
Devon Hathaway=Pack of Bologna for Best Yard Sale!

Thank you again to Steve and Stephanie Issacs for giving us a place to stay and all the GREAT food and fun time we had!
We def cat wait till 2009 for the next Turkey shoot out!

NOW on to the planning of the 8th annual New Years day ride!! Stay tuned to www.r5waterxracing for the updates as they happen and to for more info!

Brian Smith
Jennifer Jeter


sounds like a good time was had by all

Its nice to see that old guys rule the ski class

next year surf race and all the old guys will come out of the wood work
Sorry NO surf races are planned!

With the costs now a days of these machines its been unanimous that racers would rather not race in salt water...YES they want a challenge but NO they dont want their equipment rotting away or the 4 strokes being destroyed by salt water ingestion.



Sorry NO surf races are planned!

With the costs now a days of these machines its been unanimous that racers would rather not race in salt water...YES they want a challenge but NO they dont want their equipment rotting away or the 4 strokes being destroyed by salt water ingestion.



Clear Lake
I disagree, there where 2 offshore races in the US last year, Catalina and The Extreme events Florida race. Both races had riders come from across the country to run them, both had reasonably high entry fee's and they both had pretty good turnout. Plus they where a cakewalk compared to some of the old Texas Surf Races. And those type of races you don't need the latest and greatest to be competitive.
We have NOT ruled out a Surf race..Its just that there are ALOT of hurdlesthat must be crossed and as of right now we dont have any planned. I do know that in 2010 we may have a surfrace but we have had a tentative schedule in place since august but we arent releasing the "Tentative" Schedule until we have a few more commitments.

Your right there were alot of good races with turnouts the past couple of years like the Nat tour and such but alot of the racers we spoke with said it was a REAL P.I.A. to race them because of the saltwater and such.

BUT we will see! LIKE I SAID we have NOT completely ruled it out YET!
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