"The Addiction" Premiere Party...

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
a quick note to everyone that has purchased the advance tickets...the e-mail confirmation that gets sent out from the nascency store shows that something has shipped when, in fact, nothing is shipping. basically, we have everyone name on the list at the door for ticket purchases so come up give the door guys your name and walk on in!

i hope this does not cause confusion for anyone and if anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up either here, e-mail, phone, carriere pigieon, etc...

thanks BK for the reminder about that!

see everyone saturday!!
Crestwood Suites 678-560-6667
2030 Roswell Rd, Marietta, GA (0.80 miles away from Hollycrest Hall)

We booked a couple of rooms last night.

i lived there for 2 months when i was single and moving.right next to a kroger. you could almost walk there from the party.i walked back from this mexican place a couple times a week after some heavy drinking.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Settle down. No need to get hostile. You don't have to share your :Banane01: :Banane01: Gill if you don't want to. It was just a suggestion.

just remember, I can ram your ski without worrying about any damage to the nose of my ski!!!!!!!!!!!:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
leaving in a half hour when jetboy1004 gets here... for once i am not the slacker of the group.... see ya'll either tonight at pauls shop or tomorrow at the cove.... the lucky ones to see me today will get a taste of an authentic philly cheesesteak


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Hey BK, Where's my Coil? Since you are collecting borrowed stuff.:biggrin:

Jeez Harrison - buy your own birth control! It's a bit late now anyway... :cool2:

OK, I'm finally gettng my act together. It was looking a little shaky for me this weekend, but I'm definitely going to be able to make it now. Unfortunately I won't get to ride on Saturday - can't get away early enough :frown:

I'll see you all tomorrow night! :Banane01:


so, um, yer gonna come by the house friday night right?:biggrin:

Thanks BK


I will call you. We are leaving my house at 7pm. Hopefully we will be there by 1-2am. You won't be sleeping....:sneaky:

pm me your number and home your address so I can google it...

btw - we have 5 that will be buying tickets for the event... including myself and sara


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Well at least you can't get the battery or the chinpad....

Did you get your ski back together? or you pimp'in your boy's Stealthy Ride?
Alright you puds....where's the blackmail........er............photos from the big event?

I was freezing my asss off on the metal bleachers just as I suspected I would - THANK GOD for those nice, thick Blowsion hoodies John pimped me. And my boy (outside linebacker) made a touchdown in his last game and they totally kicked ass (47-7) so I guess it was worth it.....


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