The Aqua Lounge in Daytona Beach will be sponsoring our after party this year.

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Make sure I'll be able to get my camera in there Slutty!
Lets see how many redbulls and vodka I can put down in 1 hour! :friday:


Shootin Brapaholics
How exclusive is the after party?? Do we have the whole place to ourselves?? Or will there be general admission as well??


there will so many of us, it won't matter... + we want local hotties to have access for the single guys...

I will setup a password to tell the doormen outside so we can get in free... open bar will be handled the same way i believe... still working out all the minor details.

We plan on offering a taxi service back and forth all night as well. We do not want people drinking and driving at all!!!!!!


Just plain me....
hmmm is there an age to get into the club .... i hate that my g.f and i are not 21. F*%$

The party keeps on going when we get back from the clubs. Just party at the hotel, and be ready to step it up when everyone gets back! :Banane09:
Ronny's right. Plus there will still be a lot of people at the hotels that won't be clubbing...there is always a party somewhere.


yeah... no worries Xeon... you will be allowed in.
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