The best girl I've ever had....


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
oh oh oh such a tight silencer :popworm:

I hadn't even fired this thing up in like a year. I tilted it to the left side for a few seconds like I always do, kicked it into gear, pulled the choke, rocked it a couple times, back to neutral, and she fired on the 2nd kick. Oh what a sweet sweet sound... 380cc of 2 stroke KTM pv fury... I call it the cr500 eater. I almost ate it in the middle of 5th... oh how wonderful that would have felt on asphault going 65 ish... ouch. Went to rev it, and wasn't thinking, dumped the clutch, and damn right up she came. this bike has scared me many times :lmao:

She needs new fork seals, some random gasket is leaking on the clutch side, and it needs alot of TLC. :twak: Damn ski has made me neglect my baby... poor ol girl... here she is though, with her oily dusty self. As soon as this ski is done, I need to throw a few hundred at her to get her back in tip top.

I've told myself many times I'd never sell this bike... but it sure does alot of sitting these days... I still don't think I can do it.


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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Definately a sweet bike. I don't think I'd be able to get rid of it either.
Getting it street legal would be a great idea with gas prices shooting through the roof. I'm right on the verge of picking up a bike just for that reason myself.
Not to mention rippin' in the dirt is always a great time too!


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Everytime I ride it I come back thinking "Damn that this is faster than I remember it being" haha.

It would take a nice offer, or a few kick ass ski parts to make me part with it. I doubt I would sell it though.... I love it.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Mine is a 98 with a 2001 rear shock. The main thing bad about the 98, I already replaced :D I could make it street legal, tagged and all if I wanted to spend the $$$
i miss my wr250 all the time. its a '92 and been sitting for about a year. Damn it was quick though. all my friends have 4 wheelers like blasters, 400ex, banshees. etc. None of them could touch my bike on the straightaways or drag racing... 4 wheelers are like the couches of the off-road racing world :->


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I hear that. There is a dude in my neighborhood with a 500 Predator, and he has gotten a taste of my bike before. Since he doesn't have to worry about going over backwards as easily on the launch, and I have to do a soft 2nd gear launch on pavement, he pulls quick, but i reel him back in in a couple gears and run by. In Dirt, I pull a 3rd gear launch balls out and he gets zilch.
yep. i mastered the art of launching my bike. i could make the most perfect take offs on pavement. just the right amount of tire spin. in dirt, id start in second and theyd hold with me for about 1-2 seconds.

i swear i feel faster 0-60 on my dirtbike than my sv650 streetbike... now that would be an interesting race. just need a smooth dirt straight away right next to an empty street.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
sweet bike!!!!

I bet it's a torque monster...

It has a good bit. It's really not too much faster than a good worked over 250 two stroke, but once you stick a hill or some soft sand into the mix, it's bye bye time. Unfortunately, the torque is also good for kicking my ass right regular.
my buddie just picked up a ktm 560 supermoto built from ktm he putt a head and tail on it and o man is that thing sick i love rideing it so much i think im gonna buy one for myself

that is a bad machine!!!!!



Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
CR500 eater....hahaha:lmao: Insert Borat voice :::NOT:::

Do you have a CR500? I've raced two, and neither faired well. A late 80's and an early 90's. Both were strong bikes. They don't have any tractable power, dogs on the bottom. By the time they get it going, i'm already rowing through gears. And when someone "Thinks" they have a super badass CR500, all you have to do to beat them is to spend a grand on an old worn out stock KTM 550.

I did but not anymore. You must have raced some clapped out junkers. 500's eat pistons and rings like nobody's business. I have beat 500's on 250's. When a 500 is fresh and running right it has buttloads of bottom end and then all the way through. Spend a few bucks and get the cylinder ported and you can barely hang on to them. I just got tired of mixing gas or I would still have it.
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