The best mod

I agree with the above list but since you didn't mention a budget I would have to suggest my first mod ..... well on my new ski it was .... a 850cc stroker from Jetworks it is just BAM is all I can say

Well if were going down that road I would like to think a full carbon hull from Trinty/Xscream/blowsion/WDK/ would do wonders for a stocker.. hmmmm

stock hull with 850 power or full carbon hull with stocker power.. I can speculate on the HP figures of the 850 and a stocker is about 70ish..

70hp / 240lbs < (?) = 0.291hp/lbs

(150) hp / 300lbs = 0.5 hp/lbs

70hp / 300lbs = 0.233 hp/lbs

say even if they only had 150hp that would make them have a way better power to weight.. with the 850cc..
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