the end of my innocense.


havin fun
clearwater FL
last Friday some guys I met at Bellair causeway invited me to ride with them. I am not what you call, in shape, or a skilled rider.(thank Farley) there was from what they said about four foot waves at the end of Dunedin Causeway. I have a 93 650sx with a ride plate and grate and a 92 650 superjet stock except the toplaoder. I was very happy with my skis and with the help of this site was just starting to get subs.

Well these two guys Scott (800sxr) and Derrick (760SJ, pipe, etc) were really cool, super nice guys. helped me unload and off we went. I have never jumped anything bigger than a small boat wake. so off we went, they are horsing around and I'm trying to keep up. we get there and I'm tired and have to rest. they start rippin it! I finally get out ther and its not as hard as I thought. I jumped a few and fell over a bunch trying to reboard before I get pounded again. I was just getting tired, my arms were dead meat. after a few more passes for me and 20 or so for them. Derrick says take his for a ride. I really want to but I am nervous to wreck his ski. by the way it sounds awesome. plus I am so tired at this point I had to stop cause I just didn't have enough left to pull myself up anymore. Picture me as the boat in the perfect storm.LOL

so here is the end of my stock ski loving existance. tired I had no prob popping right up and it was sooooo easy to stay up! if I felt like I was starting to lean and fall, I just bumped,just barely bumped the throttle and bang! straight up! no prob. I hit a few waves and never even more thanblipped the throttle. plus again I was respectful of his ski with lots of power and my limited skill. It would have been too easy to make a mess.

So now I'm watching Derrick struggle with my ski. the first thing he says is wow I went to hit it and nothing happened. Folks if that don't speak volumes......yeah, you get the picture. so I trade back and enoyed watching them jump waves. no handers, look backs, derrick even tried to spin hmself 360. I just could not keep up.

later when we were heading back I wanted to see just how much faster they were, so after falling off first, I get all I got and I'm porpoising like crazy. and Scott turns around backwards and sits on the chinpad and just leaves me behind. like twice as fast as me. it was hilarious.

Later I got to ride the stock SXR(has a handpole and I think thats it) That ski is so stable. It was a big adjustment for me from a kawi and a Sj. almost too stable, but I'm sure with more time on it, it would be normal to me.

my kawi was acting weird and it also rubbed my gut and shins and knees raw. If you have stock pads, ditch em. new turf is much softer. so I took out my Sj for awhile and I hae been favoring my sx because I thought it was easier for me to ride and pull tricks on. now after being beat up by my kawi the Sj feels loose and easy to ride!WTF? so now my mind is made up build the Sj, sell my other skis and just make it as close to Derrcks as possible. Then I started to think about this 97 Sj with mods that I had been saving for and Now I decide to sell the 92 sj and focus on the 97. and that about does it for this thread.

go to this link for the future installments. And a big thanks for ruining my stock ski happiness to Scott and Derrick!!!!! Jerks! LOL I mean that in the nicest possible way! yeah and my wife is real happy that I charged a ski on my already full charge card. How do I talk her into letting me buy more parts? guess I need to unload those other skis quick. I might have two sold already with a double trailer. I still have a 97 SD XP with a nice trailer, new motor with a year and some on the warranty. a 92 SD spi , the sx ,and the sj maybe. I'm working on pics.

heres the link

thanks again to Scott and Derrick and have a blast at Sebbey!

All Stock

Keyboard Freestyler
Welcome to the club!

I had a very similar exepirence my first time in the waves. I was out with a now Pro rider and a guy that has been racing for more than a few years. The waves taught me to get in shape and there boats showed me the need for power.

Great post, glad you had fun.
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