The flatwater BF is dead.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I don't want to stink up the other thread since apparently the emotions are high over there and my point wasn't to trash anyone's hard work or new motor development.

With the posting of one vid the prestige of the flatwater backflip is completely flattened to me now. It used to seem like some combo of ultimate skill with motor and hull black magic mixed in. Now that I know that someone who rarely rides can flip with no setup wake or prior flipping experience can do it, what is the point? In one vid it went from wow to NBD.

This isn't me hating on anyone or even jealousy. It's probably more disappointment than anything else. The biggest trick in freestyle now has a price tag. Hopefully that ultimate high mark will be taken over by a double flip or some surf like variation.!
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lone wolf
this is news to you? Good rolls still get my attention since a big motor will help but still takes mostly skill
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yeah its not news but look at it this way if you can do it with less then you should try.. i mean rick roy does it with stock 701 and at a height that will rival most big motor setups... so practice, practice and more practice then post your vid with your cheap setup and im sure more people will aspire to do the same , since not everyone has 20 k lying around to shove into a ski.

Midlake Crisis

Site Supporter
Bakersfield, CA
yeah its not news but look at it this way if you can do it with less then you should try.. i mean rick roy does it with stock 701 and at a height that will rival most big motor setups... so practice, practice and more practice then post your vid with your cheap setup and im sure more people will aspire to do the same , since not everyone has 20 k lying around to shove into a ski.
I know he is the man, but can the Rickster really BF a stock 701 on flatwater??
everyone i know here with xfs has 865 or bigger so would be good to see if someone can do it with much less, then just have to find 7k for a hull.
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Maybe people will learn how to turn their skis properly?? Seems to be the hardest thing to do judging by how few people can do it..Bring back the legdrag perhaps??

In all seriousness though I've ridden a Kevlar fs1 with a xscream 1000 tl and dual 49s with a mag 148. I consider myself to be a fairly competent rider. I used to ride a bit of flatwater and I could br on flat with a stock 701 in a 300lb square. I couldn't even come close to getting the pop on the fs1 to do a nose stab much less a bf or barrel roll so I don't think it's all ski. I could literally get more air on flat with my sj without footholds. Taylor has a 16mil on the way that's going in an xfs. I'll try to bf it if I can then it all motor haha
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lake goodwin

Back flip on a bike used to be insane... now kids at the local skate park are doing them.

A kick flip on a skateboard used to be crazy... now people do them switch stance down 25+ stairs.

Same with snowboarding, skiing, etc.. Just so happens that to take this sport to the next level, more hp is needed. (flatwater)


Customizing addict
Macon, GA

Back flip on a bike used to be insane... now kids at the local skate park are doing them.

A kick flip on a skateboard used to be crazy... now people do them switch stance down 25+ stairs.

Same with snowboarding, skiing, etc.. Just so happens that to take this sport to the next level, more hp is needed. (flatwater)

Well said... "Stock car racing" used to be stock car racing. Now look at it.

Would you guys prefer that the barrel roll and backflip never took place? I didn't care for hood tricks when that was the coolest thing out.

I would like to point out that EVERY single thread I've seen bashing the flatwater backflip comes from guys who primarily ride surf or at least ride surf almost as much as flatwater. It appears that the stuck up superjet owners/kawi haters have been replaced by stuck up surf riders/flatwater haters. This will offend plenty of people so I apologize in advance. I'm just calling it like I see it. What's wrong with people striving to be better and get better equipment? So what if the best trick you can pull off is a sub and you want to progress into barrel rolls and backflips and maybe one day a flatwater backflip. You guys are making it out to be a crime for the flatwater guys to try and make the most out of what they have. Yes most of us would rather ride surf but when you live 5+ hours from good surf, it makes it difficult and actually more expensive to ride surf than buy that huge motor.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
This post will offend many people as well, to ride surf all you need is a clapped out Superjet with a 701 and a B pipe, why hate on those flat water riders who need the extra HP and lightweight hulls to pull off stuff that is fairly easy in the surf. I will give props where it is due to ride surf you do need big balls and have to be in shape, but you don't need a nice ski.
Just like Waternut said (wtf kinda name is Waternut anyway, haha!) I still 180 nosestab, legdrag, and sub, living 24 hours away from the surf what BF am I going to learn first. I've been skiing for 20 years+ and I may be considered an old bastard, but I have raced motorcycles for 35 years and still kick some ass (on new-faster equipment every year) but really if some cash is going to help me learn some new tricks then look out. Theres no rule that I need to learn it on a stock junker, especially since my water is as flat as the girls I dated when I was young, the money I make now wont do me any good in my casket, and I dont need to leave a pretty corpse either!
I dont get the hating, I have built motors for many years and my goal has always been to make the next one better? Maybe we just need to meet at the beach, ski hard, and relax with a few beers after,......and dont forget to tell your bud he rode awesome today!


needs more cowbell.
The river
I'm not a hater. I like the nose-stab sub into a bf and only seen boats with supit short poles do it.
IMO There's no respect for flatwater. Not enuff payments in flesh, blood, and bones. Flatwater is a foampit. And that a good thing.
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