The Lake Erie Monster.

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So long and thanks for all the fish
I saw one of these on our trip to the R-n-R.


Ok, so the kids watched Finding Nemo in the van.


New York Crew
Western New York
we've been getting a lot of nibbles up this way too. not sure what fish they are but they seem to like nibbling on the hair on my legs. kinda freaky
you wil find musky in ALL large bodied norther waters...they are very similar to Northern Pike but even more elusive

12 hours musky fishing if you see one or get a strike its a good day.......I have musky lures in Mich that are over 12" long..

they are hella heavy and have monstrous hooks
we've been getting a lot of nibbles up this way too. not sure what fish they are but they seem to like nibbling on the hair on my legs. kinda freaky

x3 I was getting nibbled on last time out with the Cleveland Crew at Edgewater... Not sure what it was about but it was freaking me out...

musky wont nibble, if it wanted it'd just take a bite out of you......most likely those are panfish


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
We will get a 300/350 pound halibut caught around here every year and the local's know that they don't want it because the meat is grainy, it tastes like crap. however if you leave those monster's alone they are big time reproducer's and we need to do that because our halibut fishing is getting out of hand from all of the fuggin tourist charter's.
it's kind of a controversial subject but I love catching a fish and I live in the salmon capitol of the world, however you only need to take what you need for the winter then go earn it again next yera what I am trying to say is that they did not eat that stinking reproducing sturgon I gaurantee it. lol
We get nibbled all the time here in KY Lake. Just panfish, as said above. Panfish, bluegill, sunfish, perch, brim, whatever you want to call them. They are all close to the same if I'm not mistaken.
I took my first 2 dives of my open water certification yesterday, and we were all getting bit by the little bluegill/brim. The seem to like ears. The quarry we went to was no fishing allowed, so the fish were very friendly. Even drew blood on a couple people with their nibbles. Little creepy at first. I watched one swim up slowly and bite a thread hanging off of my wetsuit, haha. They were very small though, few inches long at the most.
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