The Matrix hull

ProFusion Co. is a new company in southern Michigan, that is the proud new owners of The Matrix molds. We are currently in the process of manufacturing and are taking orders for fiberglass hulls @ $4500. We look forward to carrying the outstanding reputation and maintaining all previous standards that The Matrix hull has preceded. Please visit our website for contact information and like our Facebook page for updates of progression.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Right on! I hated that Bobby didn't have enough time in the day to pop more of these awesome hulls. Glad to see someone putting the molds to good use :)


No Clue
Brooklyn MI
Shaun and josh are both great guys, Shaun is an extremely talented guy. I am sure that great things will come from this. Good luck guys and awesome to see the matrix hull come to Michigan.
I hope they have at least read a textbook on composite materials and structures. Most builders at this level focus entirely on appearance and cost. There is too many hulls that either weigh too much or fall apart.


breaking something
I hope they have at least read a textbook on composite materials and structures. Most builders at this level focus entirely on appearance and cost. There is too many hulls that either weigh too much or fall apart.

They watched all the breaking bad episodes...chemical geniuses

These guys are a good hands though. Some local talent will be helping these guys make a great product.
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