The Nascency Project ::Joe Kenney Flip Off ::

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
I hope you guys didn't think I had forgotten about you...:wave:

Decided to pull something out from the JK flip off footage last seemed like the appropriate time to do so...

Be warned however, this is not my typical style of video or clip, the whole mess with Joe has always affected all of us and is reflected in this...some might not dig it but I felt this is what it needed to be...

Expect more soon as I run through more of the footage I have from the last year...and as always, thanks for the support!

More clips here of other stuff:

*Had to remove the player from this page as it was messing up the vids on the site...sorry*
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Friggen ooutstanding video again Chris. Your editing skills are great. Love the candidness of the interviews and the slow-mo riding of my buds. Great job again. :notworthy:

Put together a DVD and sell it with a portion going to The fund.

PS. That first BF from Slutty might have been one of the ones that done in his back. Them plate to plate landings look a bit rough on the lower back imo. Also, Check out Edwins shades. :fing02: Strait from the 80's. Or maybe they are his wifes. :silly: Isn't that where Cracker busted his first BF?
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Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Awesome video Chris, wanna sell me your old Canon xl2? lol

trust me, you do not want my beat up pile of crap...that thing is on its last legs, although she has served me well...

go diggin for a canon hv20...full HD for around $600 used, can't beat it...


Surf Swimmer
Tampa, FL
Wow, that was truly a very special day... with the guys who made the long drives to everyone who showed up to support the event... and not just here in FL! It was cool seeing Edwin find his groove again and so many of the FL guys busting it out for such a good cause. Joe won't be forgotten. Sweet job Chris!


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Amazing, beautiful video. I just went through 1000's of clips editing my movie, but that short video absolutely inspired me. I can't even begin to imagine how you make these videos. You get the best, smoothest shots. Killer stuff. Your always breaking new ground. I really really wish I could have made it down there that day.

Keep getting better, Joe.

Hopefully more stuff like this to come!!!


The Durty South
I'm not going to blow smoke up your arse like some others. "It sucked"
So we still on for dinner tonight. I'll buy you a beer and tell you what I really think. That ride was great. Joe is a true icon of the sport.

good work my bruther and happy Birthday

Fro Diesel

creative control
Thanks Chris. Beautifully done as always. YOU sir are a camera master. I keep Joe in my thoughts as well as my cousin who is recovering from a severe head injury (coma) as well.

This video was truly inspirational. I absolutely love this community.
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