- Location
- Urbanna, VA
Nice Dude! lookin good
Yeah this is a great idea, kinda like Bruce Browns narrative style he used when he put together The Endless Summer movies. Can't wait until it comes out!
WOW... Chris you truely are an Artist, and your train of though when putting something like that together has to be intense.
thank you, this looks awesome.
looks great,thats a good way of conveying what freeride means and feels like to us,tad earthy. The production ql looks sick.when ya releasing it?
looks great! gives me a little case of the goosebumps
Thanks Bud!! Hows things up north and whats good on the other project we talked about?
He he...I do not have the narrative skills to pull off an "Endless Summer-esque" type of movie...so I did what I felt was the better thing, and let the people I wanted to tell a story about tell their own story.
This is why it takes me two years to do a project lol...
Wait till you see yourself in it...:Banane19:
Yeah this is a great idea, kinda like Bruce Browns narrative style he used when he put together The Endless Summer movies. Can't wait until it comes out!
Things are good man, yeah thats still going down I'm just a hippy I need to get my act together. I just got a 09 superjet all I've been doing is riding and making pizza. I'm actually going to email you a present right now.
This one is going to be the king of all royalty. Awesome job, Chris.
I love the direction you went with this.... My old ears cant handle the music that people usually put to the clips this one will stand out for sure
Great job Chris and Ronda your a credit to the sport
put me down for one for sure
This movie is going to be absolutely amazing. Music videos might be fun to watch, but this will inspire like nothing else has. Chris has me VERY impressed these days.
very nice ... the 60FPS shots look awsome ..
Nice! I was thinking the same thing. I've always wanted to see a endless summer style film on jetskiing... Totally cannot wait 'til the release.
The teaser is amazing, I hope you succeed in showing people what the sport is all about. So far it looks like you're doing that.
Wow, looks great Chris! I remember talking to you years back about a project like this. Seems the right personalities and level of performance have come about more recently in our sport to not only make that possible now, but also make it a story with mainstream public appeal. I hope so anyways, best of luck, can't wait to see it!