FYI Supers are case reed not cylinder reed. The ones I've seen JSH have are not Supers , not to say 850cc's could'nt haul a$$.
On this PJS stuff I'd have to say Gordy is the #1 resource. Sam also knows alot but I hav'nt always got what I paid for(my 700 was not a drop-in).
I have not been able to hurt my 700 , I've used a blend bottom of bottle oils , advanced the timing all the way , ran it with a leaky carb on e85 and basically treated it like crap. The castings are soft and tend to strip easy and the 550 based 7,8,900's are heavy.
I've been running my Super since 2000 without a problem other than some water ingestion. I've actually detuned it to get a 12 vein mag pump to not cavitate.