the proper way to blow your engine


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
JB WELD! It'll fix it right up!

What happened?

I was goign to suggest JB Weld too. I guess I am too slow.

Someone once told me only Kawasakis do that since they have the longer stroke. I guess it happens to the best of us. It happened to my super clean 95 650 X2 I had years back. Engine went ot the scrap yard.

You get real lucky when it kills a reed cage and starter too. On Kawies it usually ruins the bed plate as well. You never get by without destroying the cases, crank, and cylinders.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I had one like that but it exploded out of the exhaust side. It's hard to believe that happened at just off idle. mine let loose at high rpm.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
I had one like that but it exploded out of the exhaust side. It's hard to believe that happened at just off idle. mine let loose at high rpm.

it's fun ain't I almost lost control of it looking down to make sure I still had my legs and everything.
think i have found a donor 760. we will freshen her up, give it about 35 degrees of timing and a little extra compression and whip on it while i send my other cylinder back to art for an upgrade.

the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
What caused this? Water? unburnt premix in cases? ??? Crazy!!

when one cylinder gets water in it, and the other one remains running normal, the cylinder with water in it will hydro-lock, and will not continue to TDC, the other cylinder has just fired and is attempting to force the water cylinder to compress, and it will not move. all the force created by the combusting cylinder has to go somewhere. the result is usually snapping the rod and slinging it out the side/bottom of the cases.
on 440/550 engines running nitro and alcohol, I've had a cylinder get too much fuel and lock, causing the locked cylinder to push the head up and rip the studs out of the cases to where they just spin by hand, and you can grab them with a pair of pliers by the acorns and pull them completely out of the top of the engine.
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