think i will give up


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
I swear when I typed that I figured you'd have something to say about it! (Wedo)

LOL! I'm good.....

This site is mainly full of SJ, 750sx, or SXR riders. Would you be the first to point out that SJ riders are assholes if they didn't answer a question about a seadoo 3d if someone posted about it?

I am sure zoom will get plenty of attention from now on!

And Zoom, by the PWC comment, I basically meant to post on both sites. Someone is bound to answer or try from either one. But do stay, because in the end.... Xh20 > Pwctoday


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
cut one and post up your findings. then you will be the authority on d cut 650sx rideplates.

I have one on mine it works well,honestly I traced it off of an X2 ride plate that Madscientist sent me so I don't know the dimensions,I do know it works better with a stocker,don't cut up your nice aftermarket plate for this mod.:buttkick:
you have more people doing alot of mods on the 650sx on the othersite(pwctoday) you'll get more info on your ski. from the looks of it here not to many people mod 650sx, they end up getting superjet's-sxr's. i started to get into this alot more when i found this site, went from a 650sx to a sn(in a slow build) ski's regardles are fun, but when you don't have much money, you don't want to dump all of it on something you'll end up replaceing down the line. so we start the mods on something that has been proven from alot of people, that works. so i found me a 500.00 sn and start from there and not dump money on the 650sx. (if any of this made sense) that ski would be funner if it had a bigger motor, at least for me


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
is it cause im in the uk or cause its a 650sx or just me

It's not cause your in the UK, but that is funny. I don't look at a post and respond based on where your from.

I have been arround here a while and have seen many of the same threads over and over. Newbies need to find the search function, if I have seen or posted on a prior thread of the same topic, I will not post about it again on a similar thread.

Your ski is not as common arround here either. No need to leave, you just have to be patient with responses. Some people are here everyday, some once a week.


UK X-H20
UK West midlands
It's not cause your in the UK, but that is funny. I don't look at a post and respond based on where your from.

I have been arround here a while and have seen many of the same threads over and over. Newbies need to find the search function, if I have seen or posted on a prior thread of the same topic, I will not post about it again on a similar thread.

Your ski is not as common arround here either. No need to leave, you just have to be patient with responses. Some people are here everyday, some once a week.

i used the search function , but it only tells you old news, this is why i asked in a new post, to get a fresh feel , if i searched everything i would never get to know any of you,i may as well buy a book, i mean there are only so much info, so every new thread must be a waist of time, unless its ya birthday or your ripping people off, or making beach totes,
I am by no means a newbie in jetsking , but part of a forum is to Socialise with people of the same interst,

Im not anwsering that thread cause i answered one like it 2 years ago ???? how does that help anyone.

guess ill do a search on the word FORUM

Hey zOOm, You know there's a few riders from the Uk on here, although not many 650's left in good old blighty.

This is a mainly a US board just as our pwcforum in the UK is mainly British. I don't think where you come from makes any difference. All boards have their share of jibes and junk and crap, thats what we all thrive on a daily basis..... But sift through them and you can learn so much, especially on the X using the search.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I have a stock plate for a 650 SX you can HAVE FOR FREE! But you have to pay the shipping and paypal fees... lol That way if you want, you can cut away and see what happens.

Here is my two cents on the subject about 650 SX handeling and my experiences. I once had a 650 SX. I tried running a stock plate with three or four inches welded to it. I didn't notice much difference. The biggest difference I ever noticed from a ride plate was from that plate but with it shimmed down with washers about a 1/4". That made it handle terrible and pitched me off with ease. My friend had a Jet Dynamics plate on his 650 SX and it handled way better than stock. However when putting a JD grate and plate on my X2 this summer... I barely noticed a difference. My suggestion on a 650 SX is that they don't have much power compared to a modified SJ and like to ride nose up anyways after landings and such. I say cut away and post your results. If you need another plate, I have you covered. I just found it the other day. Otherwise it is off to the recyclers.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
It's totally about you being British. People ignore me all the time, and some of these people are supposed to be my close friends. Bloody American wankers.... :nana:
I agree i rode a 650sx i got no replys here theres more kawi riders there im all superjet now finally. a d cut plate prob wouldnt be half bad i didnt read the post however.


UK X-H20
UK West midlands
I have a stock plate for a 650 SX you can HAVE FOR FREE! But you have to pay the shipping and paypal fees... lol That way if you want, you can cut away and see what happens.

Here is my two cents on the subject about 650 SX handeling and my experiences. I once had a 650 SX. I tried running a stock plate with three or four inches welded to it. I didn't notice much difference. The biggest difference I ever noticed from a ride plate was from that plate but with it shimmed down with washers about a 1/4". That made it handle terrible and pitched me off with ease. My friend had a Jet Dynamics plate on his 650 SX and it handled way better than stock. However when putting a JD grate and plate on my X2 this summer... I barely noticed a difference. My suggestion on a 650 SX is that they don't have much power compared to a modified SJ and like to ride nose up anyways after landings and such. I say cut away and post your results. If you need another plate, I have you covered. I just found it the other day. Otherwise it is off to the recyclers.

Dude ill take you up on that ,any idea how much the shipping is and i can paypal you asap, i only have a pro plate on this and didnt really wont to cut that , but you gave me another opition now :Banane19:

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