This guys is lucky to be alive!


Ruston, LA
I was looking at a gallery on X showing a turf install by WAMILTON!

Notice the cigarette so close to the HIGHLY FLAMMABLE contact cement.
I can not believe that he is still alive.



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pfft, when i was smoking I always had one in my mouth no matter what I was diong. Yeah I got yelled at by alot of people, but i never had a problem. Thank god i quit smoking and dont have to worry about that now though.


Анархия - мать порядка!
Yep. No danger at all. :biggthumpup:

I've done it many times. Also, when the temps are way below freezing, you can throw a lit match into a can of gas, most of the times it won't ignite.

On the similar subject, you can safely burn TNT, it burns pretty brightly with a lot a smoke. I personally had to dispose of a few tons of TNT that way. It worked this way: guys would collect unused TNT brickets from the field, throw them in a huge pile and evacuate. I would break one of the brickets, light it up, throw it in the pile and jump in the vehicle (UAZ-469, similar to a Jeep Wrangler) with a driver waiting for me, and haul azz as fast as we could because of the possibility of someone forgetting to remove a detonator from one of the brickets or anything else that could cause the detonation (like an unused cartridge) getting into the pile.


makin' legs
I've done it many times. Also, when the temps are way below freezing, you can throw a lit match into a can of gas, most of the times it won't ignite.

On the similar subject, you can safely burn TNT, it burns pretty brightly with a lot a smoke. I personally had to dispose of a few tons of TNT that way. It worked this way: guys would collect unused TNT brickets from the field, throw them in a huge pile and evacuate. I would break one of the brickets, light it up, throw it in the pile and jump in the vehicle (UAZ-469, similar to a Jeep Wrangler) with a driver waiting for me, and haul azz as fast as we could because of the possibility of someone forgetting to remove a detonator from one of the brickets or anything else that could cause the detonation (like an unused cartridge) getting into the pile.

That's true. I've used C-4 to boil water many times in the USMC. Funny!:biggthumpup:



PWC Specialist
you can put a cigarette out in a can of gas. it takes a spark to ignite . trust me its been done a million times not by me but ive seen it.

Try that on a hot day, in an closed garage, after the pail of gas was sitting there for a while! LOL! You will die!
It will work if it's not hot enough.
Whoever told you it takes a spark is an idiot! Why is it that a lit cigarette can start a forest fire but not a pail of gasoline?



Анархия - мать порядка!
Try that on a hot day, in an closed garage, after the pail of gas was sitting there for a while! LOL! You will die!
It will work if it's not hot enough.
Whoever told you it takes a spark is an idiot! Why is it that a lit cigarette can start a forest fire but not a pail of gasoline?

Because the ignition point temp of gasoline is 495° F, and an average burning temperature of tobacco in a cigarette when you are not taking a puff is around 350° F.


Анархия - мать порядка!
Somebody lied to you!:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
It's 752 deg F on the side & 1112 deg F in the middle.

Looks like those guys had no idea about what they were doing:
The above numbers represent the average we obtained by performing several trials and can be considered accurate to within 50 deg C. A standard Fe-CuNi digital thermocouple thermometer was used in all trials.

As I said, I've done it numerous times, the gasoline would never ignite when I threw a butt into a can. Your results may vary. :biggthumpup:
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