Thought the X2 boyz might be interested in this....


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Betrza had pics of on just like that he had Impros do for him on PWCT.

Me, I like it but I am still hesitant. I would rather just get the Skat cast stainless model. I know they weight more but it isn't a conversion pump and is all new. What someone needs to do is make a conversion kit. for 650's All you need is a special pump show and custom intake grate. Then you can use any Kawasaki 750/800 pump sans the 750 ZXi pump since they are different.
hey jd how are you, i have to say you are the smoothest rider out there, i love watching you ride you are the fx1 master

Mario, Thanks for the kind words! I had a great time in Daytona and really enjoyed seeing the energy still in this sport. I've been riding for 27 years now and at times I thought Jetskiing may's nice to see it alive and well!!

I know you're a couple years out of your teens too and I saw you ride your butt off every day, no matter what the temps or rain were doing.....Good energy!!! You and the Mrs are really nice peeps!

**I had a lot of peeps ask about the price for this Mag mod. I updated the other thread to give details...check it out if interested.


Eat, Drink, Breath x2's

I love my mag pump.

I don't have alot of time on it..... but I do notice better hook up.

One of you freestyle guys will have to chime in if you test it.

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