throttle bracket on ATP manifold. need help.


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
mmmmmk well Chris and i ran into a problemo....

what throttle bracket are you guys using for the ATP Mani??? we tried two that he has they don't seem to work. the directions say an FX1 there any difference between a FX1 and a RN cable???

i wish ATP would have gave me a heads up so i could have ordered it with my carb because i'm trying to get my boat done for Pismo 2/13 and shipping from the UK.......isn't going to make it in time.

does any one make one that i can use or has any one modified a stock plate? do i really need a FX1 cable to make it work? what have you guys done to make this work.......:thinking::thinking::thinking:




Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Don't buy the first "This" Mat posted. That bracket won't work at all on an SJ application. It was for X2's that have the cable pull down from the top.

Why won't the bracket you have work? I bet it would work if you had a throttle wheel.

I have some other pics of brackets I can post when I get home from work.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I've used the second "this" :)biggrin:) with good success. Thanks for pointing out the problem with the first.


Creative RE Purchasing
his engine is at my house... tonight i am gonna try the double cable holder bracket that i know came off a 61x engine.

The problem now seems to be that the distance from where the cable mounts to the bracket is way too short to reach the little hole the existing throttle drum...


Lexington, KY
I used a 61x bracket and a throttle cable that came on my square nose. I don't remember the bent part of the bracket being that far from the throttle wheel though. What's the measurement from the bracket to the center of the throttle wheel? I think I have a spare bracket I started to Dremel out at the house if you want it. I'll check when I get home.

edit : I also have a second 'this' somewhere too.
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On mine I cut off most of the plate and mounted it on the other side of the carb mounting surface. So about 3/8" to 1/2" closer. Was originally worried about it flexing but it doesn't at all. Marked the surface on your picture.

I'm using a wetjet instead of an ATP but it should be similar since its the distance between the throttle shaft and the cable mounting location. But I am using a BlackJack 46. Is this distance different on 46 carbs than 44's? Or were they made from the same castings?


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Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
should be able to use any throttle bracket off of a 6m6 motor or a 61x 701.

I have one off a 6m6 that would work. I bet Chris has one laying around there. If you need mine, just send me an address and 5 or 6 bucks and I will hook you up. I can send it out tomorrow. Hell, today would be best since I have time right now.
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Creative RE Purchasing
should be able to use any throttle bracket off of a 6m6 motor or a 61x 701.

I have one off a 6m6 that would work. I bet Chris has one laying around there. If you need mine, just send me an address and 5 or 6 bucks and I will hook you up. I can send it out tomorrow. Hell, today would be best since I have time right now.

i for sure have one of these brackets... i'll give it shot tonight for zac.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Should work. It makes the part where the cable attatches much closer to the bottom of the carb :)

If you are for sure you have one then cool, I won't have to worry about going to the PO today. :woot:

should work.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
Not saying it will....

It's just I have a SN with the exact mount that the FX1 with the 61x motor, and my SN had the 6m6 motor in it. It looks different and looks to be closer to the carb than the bracket you have pictured.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
So basically, as long as there is no dimensional difference between the SN and RN cable, it should work. I have a feeling there may be though.

Edit: According to my research, you should be fine. The difference in the SN and RN cable is only the length.
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