Thrust trim

Last 5 minutes of my 1st ride on my Havoc I felt a little vibration and seemed to have a hard time steering right (could of been my bilge cable catching since it came out of the holder??!!)

But when I got home and put it on the stand I noticed my trim seemed to have a lot of wiggle/play when I grabbed the nozzle and moved it around. Then I noticed I have a rounded hex head type of bolt on the top,...but NOT the bottom of my trim/nozzle.

Just wondering if I am missing a bolt and thats why it has that extra play or if no bolt goes there and I have other issues. For what it's worth I do have a metal "tube" kind of washer in there. Not sure if thats for the bolt to thread or whatnot. But it is there but no bolt.

If anyone could show me a pic of the bottom of their trim/nozzle setup so I could see I would appreciate it.
Trim is newer style Thryst EZ Flow Pro trim

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