Super Jet tightening pole vs spring

Hey guys, Im in the middle of shortening my rn pole and while its off the ski i want to either change the spring out or tighten the pole. Is doing 1 of these enough? I would rather have the pole tightened but not sure how. Is at as simple as tightening the main bolt holding the pole to bracket?


Down Side Up
waterford, MI


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
My spring wasn't inserted properly and I was holding up the pole while riding (AC pole). Put the spring in proper and it was night and day. I was no where near as tired after riding half the day and the pole stands up on it's own now. Good springs make a huge difference.

I know a couple guys who run without, there poles are heavy.


formerly kawirider142
just to put my 2 cents in ... i decided to go with a tight pole when i first did my rn pole conversion on my ski and after the first ride i decided to save my pole and back and get the spring... best decision i mad, but a pain in the ass to put in with a hazard bracket haha.
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