Tips installing ProTec pipe


I have the engine out and plan to put it in today. Any tips for installing the pipe? Do I bolt the manifold on before or after getting the engine in.

superjet hull, 701 motor, protec head.

Thank you
I got a reply from Protec and they said: The easiest way is to install the exhaust manifold & headpipe onto the engine then install the engine into the hull. So I'll try that now. If you got any more tips, let me know :)
I run this pipe on my Air Blair Dart with a ported 760 64X engine.. Makes great power and sounds awesome as well.. Install the manifold prior to dropping the engine into the hull. I recommend contacting Pro-Tec and purchasing all new mounting hardware and bolts, including all the rubber grommets. This will allow you to properly secure the pipe. This pipe, much like an OEM pipe is part of the structural integrity of the engine. Silicone the grommets in place per the suggestions from Pro-Tec. The two lower bolts with a nylon lock nut is important as well. Install it right the first time and she will be a very reliable and powerful addition.

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Definitely replace all 4 grommets and bushings. It’s not cheap to do, but allows proper bolt torque, and prevents bolts backing out/breaking. (The main complaint with this pipe when doing my research was broken mounts and bolts)

Install everything outside of hull! This ensures proper torque and alignment. Keep an eye on the alignment of the flex hose for the chamber-to-elbow as well; You don’t want to over-torque the hoseclamps to seal.

I would also recommend some blue loctite as well. This pipe shakes!!! Also lube the end of the chamber/exhaust pipe (water box hose). You will be dropping in the heavy motor While simultaneously trying to slide in the pipe into this water box hose...
Grommets and washers are Kawasaki 650
The can be drilled out to oem size if using oem head or put a helicoil/time sert in oem head. If using protec no worries. I add a front mount for OEM head use (spec class)


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If I were you:

Dont install the chamber until the motor is in the hull, aligned and torqued down. Get the hoses on the chamber BEFORE you mount the chamber to the head. Depending on the chamber you have you might not even be able to line both holes up. Remember these protec pipes were meant to mount to a protec head.

You can install the mani and headpipe inside or outside the hull.

With stock engines the difference is fantastic. Great cheap pipe
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I know this is an old thread but I’m installing this pipe and I found the part number for oem Kawasaki dampeners that supposedly work. Besides the two part numbers and the bolts themselves is there anything else I need? Is it one washer and one dampener per hole or two washers? And what coupler are you guys running on these pipes.. thanks

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Try that and if you don't get a response pm me and I will call for you.

Main thing is mounting the chamber to head right cause they WILL vibrate apart if not done right
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