Tips on unsticknig electrical box?


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
This is total BS!! :banghead: I never did get the brackets off, but I managed to rotate them by hitting them with a hammer so that I could get to the screws underneath. Screwdriver across the solenoid - bingo! motor span, so I put in the new solenoid. Hooked up the SS switch and... nothing.... Doh! so I shorted across the brown and red into the e-box and sure enough the motor span. OK, so bad SS switch (even though it checked out before). So, put in a new SS switch and went back to my old solenoid. No go: the solenoid won't even click now. Doh! That means it was the SS switch AND the solenoid (and both intermittent problems).

Cool, so I put the new solenoid back in, with my shiny new SS switch and... NOTHING!! Now I'm getting 12V to the starter side of the solenoid, but the starter isn't spinning. Crap - than means a bad cable or starter...

So, what are the chances do you think? An intermittent SS switch fault, along with an intermittent solenoid fault along with an as yet undiagnosed intermittent fault downstream of the solenoid.

Oh, did I mention I can't get the bolts undone on the headpipe? So much for antisieze.... I guess I'm going into the starter through the hull :eek:mfg:

No, seriously - I'm off to pull the motor. It's mostly out at this point anyway. Don't you just love jet skis?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
psst, it may be the connection from outside the box to the cylinoid, I chased this problem 2 years ago until I figured it out, it even made the ski run bad.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
no, the wiring harness, if it bad, it can cause all kind of issues, I did the same thing, grabbed a new S.S. switch and guess what, no go, finally found it when I started looking at the wires going through the grommet, they were broke. New harness, everything worked just fine.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
psst, it may be the connection from outside the box to the cylinoid, I chased this problem 2 years ago until I figured it out, it even made the ski run bad.

Yup - that's what I figure - that's about all that's left now. I pulled the motor so I can get to things - much easier that way. The outside of the starter looks skanky (rust) - not sure if that tells me anything about the inside. I figure the hell with it and just replace stuff to make sure it runs for Daytona. Barbara has some spare parts, so I plan on getting it ready to put everything back together when I get there.


South Jersey
Check where the start/stop connection just prior to the ebox (4 prong connector). I had one where the actual prongs were not making contact when plugged together. All it took was a small screw driver to bend them slightly and problem fixed. When you try the start button and it doesn't work, unplug the connector and jumper the terminals. If the starter kicks over, it's the starter. I believe you need to jumper the brown and red.



Carajo,gringos apestosos
Do you have msd enhancer?

Check for a broken or loose hot wire coming from the cdi. This exact intermiting thing happened on my superjet.

A while back my Kawi had intermitting problems and it turned out to be the stator wires had these small conectors that eroded away from the salt. Hurry up, Daytona is in 2 days.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Brits screws are a bit loose, sometimes you just have to ignore him!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the truth...!

OK, so I think I'm fixed. Here was my catalog of intermittent problems in the starter circuit:

Intermittent shorting of brown and red wires by start stop switch causing intermittent 12V to actuate solenoid. Replaced start stop switch. Problem solved.

Solenoid intermittently actuating with good 12V on brown wire. Replaced solenoid. Problem solved.

Starter intermittently spinning with good 12V on the starter side of the solenoid. Pulled the motor and found that the 12V cable to the starter was very loose at the starter. Cranked it down tight and everything seems to be fine now.

The last straw was when I went to drop the motor back in to find a broken motor mount!! Let's just say that Suzi probably shouldn't try to ride her ski this weekend... :fing02:


Carajo,gringos apestosos
It was probably the loose wire the whole time. Any resistance or block in flow will heat up all wires damaging your solenoid. No bother, see you there.

Suzi can ride Barney for now, SJBrit needs a mount.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
It was probably the loose wire the whole time. Any resistance or block in flow will heat up all wires damaging your solenoid. No bother, see you there.

Yes, you're probably right. I'm going to put the old solenoid and SS switch back in when I get back and see how that goes. For now I want to be DAMN sure it runs through this weekend.

BK - thanks, but Suzi isn't going to be able to make it to Daytona. In any case, now she's built her confidence up on the stock square, she really only wants to ride my ski these days. The square is rapidly becoming a parts donor ski.
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