Titles and H.I.N. plates.

My god man. I have come to the end of a long invasive annoying battle on my hull issues. I would love someone who really understands this stuff to post the actual laws as I have been told every lie (or they honestly didn't know) under the sun we all love.

Throughout this "process" I was told that jet ski parts are not allowed to be sold over the internet. Then just motors are not allowed. Then just motors/parts from California. LMAO.

Then through a few emails to the Gov and the Chief of Police, watercraft and some others everything is all of the sudden fine. I get a title for a 2008 Waterdawg Envy.

Now flashback to my previous hull. A 96 SJ purchased at an auction in Michigan for which they sent me a title with a wrong HIN typed in. Finally get all that squared away with a new notorized bill of sale from the auction place as watercraft voided the title I had due to the wrong HIN from the auction house issue.

So they send all of this to me and say OK man go and get a new title. So I'm like Um I paid taxes on it already and they are like nothing we can do.

I went to get it this morning, willing to pay taxes again at this friggin point, and they were like this note says it now has no motor and we can't title a ski without a motor$@#$@#%$#%^#@. So back home again to email people!!

A few more emails to the gods of Ohio and poof my new title is waiting for me with no more cost to me.

In all honesty, I don't feel it is the individuals involved so much as the ridiculous system in which they are trapped. So much BS info and info they just don't have.

Moral of the story:

I have no F'ing idea!!:261:
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Lexington, KY
You seem to get a different answer every time. I sold my SN hull to X2Rags in KY, and called the DMV to ask what needed to be done for the title. They said to get it notarized on my signature. Rags got it, and his DMV said I needed to sign and notarize another place on the title. He had to mail it to me, so I could sign and notarize it again.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
I should start I title service in MI. I walk in with reciepts for items used to build a complete aftermarket ski, sign an affidavid form stating how I came to build the ski, pay tax on parts purchased from out of state dealers, and walk out with a state issued VIN and title paperwork. No inspection, no problems. Anything I buy from x or ebay can be claimed as parts I owned previously, and there is no need to show reciepts or pay tax for those. They just want the number on the motor, and I'm good to go.


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
Maybe you should've spent more time sweet-talkin the ladies at the courthouse! ;)

I feel your pain. Gotta jump through enough hoops as it is. Kinda sucks they decided to add new ones for ya for no reason!
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The ladies are the ones who got it done here. The chief of watercraft police is a woman in Columbus and the ladies at the actual bureau were all very sweet.

Its just that no one really knows what the F is going on it seems and everything is so convoluted and everyone is scared to sign something. The entire thing disgusts me and in no way represents how it should be.

That being said a good friend of mine did get his skis back 5 years after they were stolen due to this same damn system so what do I know?!*^*^$%^#@????

I will never buy anything again without checking everything.

Serious props to Mitchell and his secretary at M-M marine for keeping good records. And to the auction place (http://www.1800lastbid.com/online.cfm). They initially messed up but they kept good records and sent what they had to send when I needed them to send it.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Well just think of all the help you get to give DJ when he does his ski!

Seriously, I am glad it all worked out. I learned my lesson with HIN's and Titles with the first two ski I bought. And they ahd all the right paper work! But from now on, a title & bill of sale, all signed, notarized and what not has worked for me.

In you case, I can see why most people would just buy a beater 550 and swap the stuff over. Sure it is illegal but way less hassle!
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