TL blinking LED


R.I.P. 10/15/2011
Holland, Mi
I'm tring to get my TL set up today and the LED blings slowly when I am rolling the motor over. Anyone know what this means? I double checked the pickups off the flywheel and the coil wiring, it all seems to be correct and I'm getting spark. But it wont fire. Any help?


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at peace
Yes, there is. But I believe the LED still blinks in normal operation. Setting static timing merely turns the juice to the coils off.


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Yep, when the motor turns over, the LED blinks as the flywheel magent passes over the pickups (even in normal running mode). When you kill the engine, the LED will slowly blink on and off until the power is cycled to the brain. This is normal, and that info is direct from MSD themselves.
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