///tl Pv Bb 8mm Lamey Build And I Need Exhaust Tips///


makin' legs
So why is Crammit not running one??

When I did my "testing" I was running a 760 cylinder that paul ported for me and traded me for one of the chambers. The motor didn't make very good power and was not an adequate test bed. Now that I have stronger motors I may eventually fool around with another carbon chamber and see if I think it works ok. I just came to believe that even if it worked well it was more trouble than it was worth. It's a lot of work to make. Gil has the chamber now because I happened to have it laying around in the loft collecting dust and I thought he might want to mess around with it. Didn't cost either one of us anything since it was already made so I gave it to him(contrary to what someone thought) to experiment with. Plus it's a ltd and I run mods.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
As Harrison questioned-Crammit is runnin mod chambers

As Crammit stated-he shipped it to me to play with because I had a situation for once here I had alot of different combo's laying around to expirament with.
blaster mod, B mod, B limited, TNT, and Crammits B limited full carbon. I wish it had not been gettin so late yesterday w/I loaded his carbon B in my ski. It would have been nice to turn around and load the fp B limited back to back.

I am pretty sure I will end up with the mod chamber in my ski w/ T/L. I really think the big problem w/asking questions on the X is sooo many people like sooo many DIFFERENT things. I personnaly don't care if my ski goes dead after 50'. I want it to go from dead idle to 10' in the air at the blip of the trigger. Thats my preference. It seems as if alot of people like more of a freeride setup-pretty good on bottom and still fast mid and top. I will keep messing with my ski until freeriders ride it and say it sucks.LOL


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
When I did my "testing" I was running a 760 cylinder that paul ported for me and traded me for one of the chambers. The motor didn't make very good power and was not an adequate test bed. Now that I have stronger motors I may eventually fool around with another carbon chamber and see if I think it works ok. I just came to believe that even if it worked well it was more trouble than it was worth. It's a lot of work to make. Gil has the chamber now because I happened to have it laying around in the loft collecting dust and I thought he might want to mess around with it. Didn't cost either one of us anything since it was already made so I gave it to him(contrary to what someone thought) to experiment with. Plus it's a ltd and I run mods.

If u guys had this thing in your hands u would really understand. It is simply an amazing piece of work. If u can hold it in your arms and not get a chubby-u must be gay and/or like 3d's. LMAO


This Is The Way
Staff member
As well- I do not want to, and will not argu the topic
this was my experience yesterday-90 minutes hard run time w/a B pipe, full carbon, built by Crammit, looked really hard for a 'drop in power' after 15 minutes-did not find it! Had 4 other people on my ski to see if they felt a loss after a good heat soak-they agree-no loss after 15 minutes. The only ? in my mind yesterday was-I have had little dum azz issues that I created for the last 5 rides and the ski hasn't been 'the bomb' until yesterday. I am 2nd guessing myself as to whether or not I would have really felt a diff because the ski performed 1000% better than it ever has.
I will be testing mine this weekend!!
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