TL: What happens if you connect black wire to positive?

On 3-channel MSD total loss, there is a black wire coming from the brain. If you incorrectly connect it to positive instead of negative, will it kill the total loss brain?

I have done this to a 4270 brain. It killed it. As soon as I touched the terminals I realized what I had done. The brain will still spark but the ski would not run. :/

Mine won't throw spark. That's when I realized something was incorrectly connected.

Okai, but you must have had something connected to the negative side of the battery? otherwise there would be no circuit ?

Everything in the whole ski was connected as it should be, except that one wire was connected to positive instead of negative.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I'm guessing the engine was grounded as usual from the starter to the negative battery terminal. It would have shorted through the coil grounds. It might be okay if it was a very short period of time. Hook it up correctly and see. Good luck.


Could be cool if you could shoot a photo or two of the setup.Becasue if you had red, purple AND black to the positive post on the battery, i can only see the extra grounds on the exterior of the coils to be connected to the ground post on the battery?

While on the subject of TL....
I have another one which misbehaves. Sometimes it will start and run the ski fine.
Other times it will make the ski backfire while trying to start. It seems like it's throwing spark(s) at incorrect time.
My question is -- can this be fixed, or is this TL (also) heading for the garbage?
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