Tnt ported Dasa 1k

Georgetown ca
IMG_1363.JPG Had a customer come in and say you can't port a DASA there already maxed out.
So showed him the pile of shavings and said, 5hrs of grinding says considerably different.
The picture is not deceiving. It actually makes the pile look half it's true size.
That's the same port spec Brandon Lawlor running in his FFF boat with DASA 1k

Georgetown ca
I was asked how well do your DASA. Ported engines run.
Best way I can discribe is.
Brandon Lawlor been head to head with Abe on his Hiro 1100 and there very evenly matched.
Brandon running an 11/16 x160 pump prop and its slightly over propped but he likes it that way as it drives hard off top of wave.
It need a 9/14x160 in flat water boat.

Georgetown ca
Both stock ignition with stock flywheels lightened.
Hiro carbs on 1100.
Brandon has novi 48,
1100 has rrp pipe.
Brandon has v3 comp with standard tnt water box

Georgetown ca
I don't know what 1100 runs for comp but he does run race gas mix.
Brandon uses 12 ounces 110 to 5 gallons.
In Europe he just ran there high test pump gas


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In Michigan, they don't get ocean waves @tntsuperjet

Lawlors dasa setup is hairy. I heard Tommy Scaccianoce was even scared of it...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What does living in Michigan with Lake Surf have to do with anything? Lol

I would love to ride a TNT dasa motor. I've been a lot of skis and enjoy all powerbands from a simple ported 701 to crazy 1000cc+ monsters.

Sorry Tim; didn't mean to derail the thread. Keep on doing what your doing and help advance the sport!

I will go back to enjoying my wimpy lake surf
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