To those that made it fit - 750sx plate on 800sxr

I remember seeing an old post where someone made an aftermarket ride plate from the older hulls, mount on his newer 800sxr hull. Can't seem to find it though...



V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Have you even looked at the bolt spacing of the plates? It's pretty simple. Slot the holes to meet the newer bolt pattern. Same goes for using a SXR/SXIpro plate on a 92-96 SX/SXI.
Have you even looked at the bolt spacing of the plates? It's pretty simple. Slot the holes to meet the newer bolt pattern. Same goes for using a SXR/SXIpro plate on a 92-96 SX/SXI.

No, hence the original (reason) for making the post.
I see older plates popping up all the time, so I would like to see (how) it can be done before buying.

But thank you, that does answer my question, is is a bit more clear on whats involved.
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