step 1 cut a hole just the right size for the small lip of the stock outlet to fit flush
step 2 rotate it slightly so that when the tubbies are mounted it will face the front of
the ski.
step 3 if you have the stock location hole it will need to be enlarged for the tail of the
outlet to fit through ( if you mounted the outlet in the same spot)
i actually have it about 6-8" forward of the stock location since the sonson is a
little thiner there. save the peice of hull that was cut out for filler material around
the outlet after foaming
step 4 pre drill the holes in the tubbie for mounting. the top holes will need to be slightly l
lower than the marked spots to clear the bond rail with the rivet gun repeat for
the other side
step 5 place the tubbie against the hull and nearly flush w/ the bond rail, and flush w/
the nose. drilling the mounting holes for the pop rivets in the hull
step 6 foam the right side before mouting. exhaust side needs to be foamed in place
step 7 install the tubbies w/ 1/8" by 1- 1 and 1/4 rivets
step 8 grind or sand the tubbie and the hull (to the bottom of the chine) for the epoxy to
stick to the SMC
step 9 cut a single layer of 6oz cloth to fit the installation area with a little overhang for
the nose. the extra that will hang along the chine will be removed flush before it
step 10 place and apply cloth and resin ( epoxy based ) i used a moderate application of
cabosil as well so that it would stay in place and sand easier when cured.
step 11 trim edges and sand the edges to keep water pressure against the hull from
getting under the glass and seperating the layer
step 12 foam the exhaust side then seal fform the bilge side of the hull with glass and
epoxy or 5200.
ride as is or fair in and paint .
enjoy your new modification, it will be noticeable in all aspects of riding
justin ( madscientist ) price