there are two different yamaha cable designs. i have found that the steering cables that have the blue outer coating, have the solid stainless steel inner steer cable, same as the kawi steer cables. the red cable housing has the multi strand inner steer cable, plastic coated, then wire wrapped and red outer. the blue cables are garbage just like the kawi cables. i have snapped about a dozen sxr cables , using the umi pole and quick steering. the solid cable snaps in the middle about where it bends by the waterbox or where the threads are exposed where the cable end screws on at the bars. i have only broke one red cable on a superjet and it grenaded cause it was a surf boat exposed to salt water. the outer cable housing cracked and the reinforcement strands rotted away.the inner stranded and coated steer cable never broke but wouldnt work without an outer cover. bottom line is i think the red cables are higher quality and less prone to breakage. if you flick the bars back and forth very quickly, like playing the pump wash squirt game with your buddies, thats a sure fire recipe for a broken cable. and if you have any threads exposed at the cable ends, cover every thread with an extra nut to reinforce it. adjust the cable first at the steering so it has the correct throw without bottoming out or pulling too far, then at the nozzle.