Top reasons why the south is king...and the north AIN'T.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
These last few days of warm sunny weather have got me tingly inside (70*+). Having grown up in the north, I can vouch for its second state citizenship. Plus I like starting some sh*t. Truth b told if the west had a little less liberalism I'd vote them king.

1. Women
2. Weather
3. Food me out here. The answers will come easy.


Winter only lasts three months here. When it does suck, the weather blows from of the north.

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doing something stupid...
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Pinckney, MI
I've been living in Texas for the last six months, and I agree with all of your points. Regrettably I will be moving back to Michigan in less then two weeks.



The call me Mew Mew
Texas has the best food and women. Weather is all sorts of weird when its not summer. Never know what tomorrow might bring.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I would move south in a heartbeat if my wife gave the ok... Unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.
Its easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission.

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Standing Tall
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The south is ok, But it would be Great if it had WaWa Coffee and Taylor Pork Roll!!

( I know there is wawa in Orlando, but not in the Atl)

How the hell do you people eat the poop called Grits! Yuck!


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
The south is ok, But it would be Great if it had WaWa Coffee and Taylor Pork Roll!!

( I know there is wawa in Orlando, but not in the Atl)

How the hell do you people eat the poop called Grits! Yuck!
Cheese, butta and salt fool! How else?! I like diner style/ihop/Waffle House coffee. Gourmet coffee usually makes me wish I ordered wawa (water);)

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walking on water
I love the cold, keeps all the yahoos, rift raft, and homeless away.

It's going to be 60 next week here, time to get the ski out on the river. All the lakes are frozen!

Texas BBQ sucked when I tried places in Amarillo, I'd rather have Famous Dave's (it's from Wisco!!)

Green Bay Packers >> Dallas Cowgirls

You guys complain about putting a truck bumper into salt water, our cars live in saltwater all winter, oh the agony!

The deer are larger up here, ask hunters in Iowa along the Mississippi. (Texas stole their genes!)

I drove to Daytona in January, the moment I crossed the Kentucky border dental health started to not exist.

Canada is about 100 times better than Mexico for everything except Tequila.

I saw the Chattahoochee river, that Alan Jackson is full of $h!t! (I love that song, grew up on the Mississippi River)

If you want tall blonde women, the place to be is Minnesota. Every time I go back to the twin cities, it's like I'm stepping into Scandinavian heaven.


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Long Island
Reasons why I'd rather live in the Northeast...

We have 4 very different seasons ( spring, summer, fall, winter) Each of them are awesome.

We are able to ride from April to the end of December before I start plowing, riding snowmobiles, building another ski, etc.. Time off is well spent!

I couldn't ride a flat lake/river(even a boat wake) year round. lol @ the no surf south. (not hating on florida/ any other eastern & western coastal surf areas here. Luckily they can get it in year round. I would be unemployed and broke If I lived there from riding too much. Surfs up i'm out!!!)

Whats your best pizza? Dominio's? CiCis? Pizza Hut? gross

Do you guys have hometown delis? WAWA or whatever you have isn't a "Deli". They are commercialized convenience stores and we have that fake food here too.

Bagels that don't come out of a bag, or come frozen. Do you even bagel?

We barbecue year round. Lots of cattle in New York and a ton of local produce. Farming upstate/Long Island= Eating gooooooood.

The women in NYC and the surrounding areas are second to none. Not only do we have so much more cultural diversity here but the population is dense.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm just telling it like it is!!

Heres one for @swapmeet since he loves meme's and sh it



sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
All the best foods are made in the South. Moon pies, Coca Cola, Jack Daniels, Barbecue, Biscuits, Ocra, Waffle House, Krispy Kreme, fried chicken, grits, sweat potato pie, pecan pie, root beer invented here, Georgia peaches, key lime pie, boiled peanuts, watermelon, moonshine,

Racing. Short of the Iditarod, the South is home to every awesome race in the country including, but not limited to, the Daytona 500, the Kentucky Derby, and the new Formula 1 circuit in Austin, TX.

Marti Gras

Charleston, Sc

Outer banks, NC

Gulf coast beaches

South Atlantic surf...the ocean isn't freezing cold here

Johnny cash

Mark twain

Forest gump

People are polite




I'll give it to u the deer are bigger up there, but they taste the same...prolly healthier down here without the smog.

I can get lunch meat anywhere without the attitude at deli

Pizza is pizza but I don't care for chain pizza. I like big sloppy slices dripping with cheese and pepperoni.

There are seasons here...and thankfully none of them are real cold.

#1 reason the south is king...there's no Jersey here. FTW!!!!

All in good fun u Yankee hotheads.

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