Travis hart almost dies!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
hmmmmm, let's see, I am gonna get involved in a dangerous sport. I get seriously injured. Now I am gonna start begging for people (strangers) to help with my medical bills...... Maybe I read that wrong, but it sure seems like that is what is being asked. What ever happened to responsibility. I just read where Tim Tebow took out an insurance policy to cover himself if he gets injured....... (Pretty smart if you ask me)

I am glad he is on his way to a recovery.

yea if he didnt have insurance hes a dummy. but he wasnt begging for money like bk stated............. love the drama keep it coming :stups::stups:

Did you even read my first post??? My perception was he was asking for donations. That is how I read it.

If your gonna play, you got to pay. Dont expect strangers to foot the bill your your actions or the results of your actions. If people (you, stanton or whomever) wants to donate. Good for you, very admirable. I have chipped in plenty. But dont get your panties in a wad when someone does not agree with you or the request for donations. Everybody looks at things differently. We got guys at work that bitch when someone dies and we put a bucket up to collect money for the family. Personally I am fine with it and will kick in some. But I dont look down on those that dont. So, in a nutshell, I look at the situation. In this case, to me the situation appears that this person participated in a dangerous sport and did not make plans for the what if. If anything, that is selfishness on his part or anybody else that participates in dangerous sports. They are planning on somebody else cleaning up their mess..

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
doubt it. insurance isnt free. im sure if he could afford it he would have it. hes just trying to make a living. dont like it? dont buy the parts or donate.. pretty simple.
doesnt warrant self centered trash talk.


Don't like some of our opinions, then don't bitch about others not agreeing with you.


High on jetskis.
Don't like some of our opinions, then don't bitch about others not agreeing with you.
i dont care if you dont want to help, really i dont. its the shyt talking that got me worked up. its unfair and immature. i think its really funny, this guy got seriously hurt and is struggling to pay all he gets is negative comments. at the same time pancaker is trying to compete/vacation and definely asking for a handout and gets nothing but ideas and help on how to make it happen for him.


whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
wtf is wrong with you people!?
i always knew mark was a douche nozzle, but kahuna too??

desperate times, guy obviously has nowhere else to turn. ill remember your lack of compassion when something unforeseeable happens to you or your family.

see "be respectful"

you tell em stanton. travis hart was one of my icons when riding 50s and i still think he is sick.
if you havent heard of travis hart than your not part of the 50 world and cant say S***.

travis hart is asking his comunity of fellow 50 riders for help. not much unlike the guy on here who lost a ski at surf slam or what it was.
travis ruined his life and you bitch about him asking for help. but the guy who lost his ski just lost a ski and everyone was at his side giving donations/parts etc.

a comunity will help there own comunity. maybe you dont understand cause your not in the 50 scene.

directed to big kahuna. and everyone else saying bad things.

edit: didnt realise this was way old. but my comment stands.
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Huck it!
South Jersey
On the dirt bike forum im on I first heard he passed. then saw this link and honestly I want this story to be true but sadly I think he did pass due to not getting away from the darkside soon enough.
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