Super Jet Tray thickness?


Arlington TX
Question: How thick should the tray be? Or is should the thickness be in 'weight' of material?

Is there a rule of thumb or does everyone just wing it?

The story:
On my RN, I defoamed, refoamed with XPS or whatever the home insulation stuff is and now i'm laying up my new tray with carbon fiber.
The glass I cut out was literally 3/8" thick, which seems beyond overkill to me.

I'm using 19.7oz carbon 2x2 twill, I have 3 layers down under where you would typically stand, and two layers everywhere else.
I don't want to make it too thin, but I don't want to make it too heavy either... thats the whole reason I defoamed and used Carbon to rebuild.

Thanks in advance...
I just winged it on my old RN build. If I remember correctly I laid mine up using 17oz biax and I'm almost positive I did three layers everywhere and one more stretching across the holds. It had some flex but never busted. I was laying it on top of the pink building foam everyone uses, stacked vertically so that added some support underneath I'm sure.

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Arlington TX
Yeah addict, my foam is stacked the same way.

Maybe I should do one or two more layers of carbon or throw another layer of Kevlar in for good measure. Hmm...


Arlington TX
I just did the math. I have 4 layers of carbon in the foothold areas plus that layer of Kevlar. I stood in the tray and it didn't make a peep. Obviously the pressure of a hard landing is probably double of me just standing in the tray.

Ill see if anyone else has some wisdom, but I may leave it as is.


...chaos? Its Fair!
You should be fine with your layup. If you are putting down 26mm padding you should will be EXTRA fine because some of the force you will exert during a hard landing will be absorbed by the compression of the underpadding
I used 2 layers of 12 ounce biax and one 17 biax and then a layer of 8 cloth. i dont like the 17 cause its a pain to wet out. i think your four layers of carbon will be good to go.
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