Tree fell on skis and trailer-insurance cover?

air blair

you are the reason

Will homeowners insurance cover this or should i just write it off as a loss? I'm checking into it now. Figured i'd share my experiance.

air blair

you are the reason
Yep, loop hole bs. Insurance said it was not covered as it could and should be an add on policy. So bottom line is atv,boat, skis are not covered under a traditional policy. Just an fyi, if you ever have to deal with it. My land butts up to state park land and they were out month before looking at the trees. I was told a certified letter to them stating trees need to be cut down would hold up in court but verbal isnt squat. i'm learning im under covered at this point

air blair

you are the reason
Insurance doesn't cover damage to salvage.
Really? Salvage yards have insurance. In my case i am submitting a claim to the state of michigan. Negligance. We had a bug called emerald ash bore kill all ash trees a few years ago. So dead timbers standing will fall. I suppose i'll see what happens here.
The only loss appears to be that aluminum trailer! I am sorry for the loss Jeff, but I think we can all be glad that another WRIII is ready for part out, and WR1 is dead and its too bad the VXR and the Kawi made it out ok!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Salvage yards have insurance for Liability and on their equipment and structures. They do not insure the hunks of metal.
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