Trim cable tube


Thaat's braptaastic!
I'm putting a thrust tilt nozzle kit on my 2014 superjet. It's all done minus the cable. I have never installed a through tube in a ski.. Seems simple enough. I know what product to use for sealing around it but I just can't think of an ideal way to get the tube through being that I want the hole by the pump and the hole on the bulk head to be lined up nice and straight shot at the ring pulley wheel. I thought of a really long drill bit but I would never know where exactly the other end of it is going to poke through. Also thought of using a short bit and drilling the two holes at different times but then how would I ran the tube through all that foam and magically find the hole on the other side? I know people have done this a thousand times but I've never once so just looking for good advice here. I want it to turn out nice. Thanks :)
You'll have to use a long bit from the pump side. Have your drill bit trajectory such that you'll come out the bullhead close to the area you want. Once you drill thru that glass in the pump area, and start going thru the foam, the foam will help keep the bit from just randomly landing anywhere once your get to the bulk head side, kind of like a guide. I had to change a trim tube on an SJ and the foam guided the new tube thru and right out bulkhead hole. Iam sure others with more experience will chime in


Thaat's braptaastic!
That's about the best way I could imagine to do this as well. But I'm not always the master of brainstorming clever ways lol. I can't imagine there being much more you can do beaides that... Thanks man
I found a good way to accurately drill through with a long drill bit from the pump side only and still relatively accurately locate the hole in the engine compartment. Do you best to approximate the angle you need to go in at, then drill through the transom and all of the foam until you hit the bulkhead, stop and pull the bit out the drill and then have someone tap the drill against the bulkhead while you feel around for where the vibrations are originating from, if you don't like where it is pull the bit out and go in at a slightly different angle until you are happy.

Worst case you put a hole in the wrong spot. Just mix up some epoxy with a high density filler and fill the hole, good as new.

Can anyone confirm that the thru hull tube size you need for the Thrust EZ-Pull Pro trim is 1/2" OD?

Pics would be awesome as well?


I’m going to be doing a trim tube on mine and wanted to know if anyone can give me pictures of where to drill and rough measurements from the top and side
Bump on an old thread for anyone with pix from the bilge side... Does the cable route under the engine cradle? Trying to determine where to pop through on the bulkhead and not have an extreme angle in order to clear the engine/, exhaust etc.
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