Trinity Composites EPIC GP

Trinity Composites

Lightweight Evolution
Palm Bay, FL
Heres a pic of a Epic X-2 GP build schedule. Hull is Gel coat, fiberglass, and upgraded to vinylester resin instead of the polyester. Hull weighs 118 and hood is 25 lbs, stock hood is 32 lbs.


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Cleveland Ohio
Shoot, an SXR motor and a Wetpipe and it'll rip! Especially with all that weight loss! That GP is the heaviest version he makes, too!

$4699 and the Hull comes with: pump shoe, dual cooling, trim tube, one scupper valve, EPIC hood with OEM seal & mounting hardware required for SXR stock water box, tank and electrical box bracket.

Pick up a used SXR with some mods and for under 10G you have a lighter, faster new X2!!!

This may be my next ski project.
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