Trying Again - Blaster Still Running Like Crap


5 Minutes? Are you crazy? I have a blaster mod pipe on there. I have to remove at least part of the pipe and bracket before I can even get to the stator. After that I have to remove the flywheel. It takes more than 5 minutes just to get all the tools together.

The blaster is also at my lake house, it's not just sitting in the garage.

I'm not trying to delay this, I just think it's better to have a list of things to look at and/or consider, than to just randomly pull crap apart, cross my fingers I found the right thing, get pissed off when that's not it, then go back to the boards and wait 12 hours for responses. Might as well get it all knocked out at once, and who knows... maybe someone will still chime in with "oh yeah, I had those droplets before, it was this".

On the trailer in the garage, it sounds fine. It idles, and it revs up pretty good. For each part I replace I need to put it all back together, and get it in ridable condition, then take it down to the lake, and launch it. It's at least an hour, if more more.

Could I open the ebox, and leave a big mess of wires lying around while I put it in the water? I guess so, but I just don't like doing things that way. I'm sure some people will say I'm just creating more work for myself, putting it all back together before I know if it's prp

At this point, no one has even addressed the little droplets on the front plug. I'm not sure if it was water, or fuel since it all just smells like combustion on the plugs. Those tiny droplets have to be something, either fuel or water.

i did
told you to get a vacuum pump and hold a vacuum on the water jacket and give the throttle a rip
if you have a internal water leak it will tell you right away

im an oldtimer thats been there WAY long ago...

It's on the way.

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