SX/SXi/SXi Pro Turf Question - 98 sxi pro

I'm getting my ski painted and bought black diamond turf. It was suggested to remove the side padding on tray (PURPLE) and turf directly onto the ski walls. I just don't know the correct answer to this. HELP?

DSCF3084.jpgPaint your ski before you turf, it will make it easier for you and the painter...but yes you dont want ANYTHING on the hull where you are turfing and that includes have the painter paint a little inside the tray but remember you will be sanding it so the turf sticks so he doesnt need to paint the whole thing...tape off where the turf will go and sand the rest...hopefully this picture helps explain..
thanks man... oh heck yeah. no turf till after paint. so it seems that you've left the original padding off, how's this for wipe outs ? isn't that padding helpful ? I'm assuming the diamond turf would be a bugger to attach to the factory cushion huh ?
Probably, and would look bulky also...there is padding underneath the part of the tray where you stand and I hear of people putting 5mm padding under the sides which sounds like a good idea, i just didnt do it...
When you order your turf you can also order padding that goes under the turf. They make different thicknesses but I think most guys run around 8mm. But its all preference. However someone correct me if i'm wrong, some of the kits you can buy have padding on the bottom mat but not for the sides.
My kit came with 8mm on the bottom mat, but nothing on the side mats...sxipro02 said 5mm on the sides fits very well but I opted to not put padding on mine...mine is a race ski tho and dont plan on falling off close to the ski if I wipe out lol
I peeled off the hydro turf on the mat and the padding below ripped in a few places. what sort of padding could i use and does it have to be a certain type ? a marina possibly ?
yeah buddy, 5mm on the sides makes everything line up perfect. I got mine from blowsion but I'm SURE there is a cheaper place to get it lol. One piece will doo both sides and one for the bottom (8mm). I dont plan on falling close to the ski but I'm glad I did it since usually the ski falling on me is more of the issue. Dont forget to do holds while your in there, Cheap and helps with stability, stunts and even just normal jumping.
turfing sxi pro

yeah buddy, 5mm on the sides makes everything line up perfect. I got mine from blowsion but I'm SURE there is a cheaper place to get it lol. One piece will doo both sides and one for the bottom (8mm). I dont plan on falling close to the ski but I'm glad I did it since usually the ski falling on me is more of the issue. Dont forget to do holds while your in there, Cheap and helps with stability, stunts and even just normal jumping.

How do you turf the rails near the back 1/3 of the ski? There is an additional rail under the bumper on each side.
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