Super Jet Turnplate/ steering system


Ill quit before i sit
so cal
I am looking torwrds buying a steering system and wanted your guys advice. I have my eye set on the blowsion steering system . I also like the umi Nd xmetals one to and also saw the cold fusion and wdk customs one. I wNt a system that wil last me and not be cheap like loose and flimsy. So whats your guys input about the blowsion and others?


Arlington TX
I have the X-metal adjustable and I really like it. The bearings are beefy, once setup, it has ZERO play and turns SO smooth. And the adjustable length allows you to tailor the length to your riding style.
It took a little bit to get it dialed in and set (had to use a little loctite on the bolt) but once its set up, its super solid.

Currently running blowsion riser bars on the ColdFusion plate on my SJ. Its fine, I don't know that I see a huge difference and I still get some play because of the factory style bushings. But I wanted to take a ride on the riser bar bandwagon. No complaints, but i'll probably go back to my Xmetal.


I'd be lost without the x
I'm running the ATP steering setup. It's a nice system and doesn't use bearings so there is no required maintenance.

This is my second season with it and have zero complaints.
xmetal adjustable here. Love it, works how it should. Does take some dialing like mentioned, but thats to be expected from all the adjustability it gives you.

That being said. Buddy has stock steering plate, maxed out, and modded his nozzle, and is using blowsion straight bars. His setup feels great too, and is about 100 bucks cheaper to do.
Cold Fusion if you ride salt water. You can switch risers or straight bars on it, no bearings to maintain, great price, as long as you adjust and put lock-tight on the two stock nuts, you will be set for long time trouble free
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