Tweaked Ankle


West Michigan
Went out riding Tuesday night in Lake Michigan, 4-5 footers. Not even 5 minutes into the ride my left foot got caught up in my foot holds and rolled. X-rays showed no break (although they said at some point in my life I did break my foot because I had bone fragments floating around.......did not know that!!!). Apparently x-rays don't do a good job of showing ligament/tendon damage so I may need to get an MRI. What ticks me off the most is 1) this is the beginning of surf season in MI 2) I wasn't even doing anything cool when this happend! Just a little bunny hop off a wave.IMG_0443.JPG


ouch! once that heals up get some physio and strength training in the legs/ankles, it will lower the chance of it happening again. Probably not torn unless you cant move the foot side to side. A friend did the same thing, bad sprain, better in 3 weeks.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Thats how i felt when i broke my wrist last time. I was just putting around the track feeling out the jump, i jumped off ( just barely more than a wheeling) a double was only about 2ft on the geound and landed on the upside of the double, it wasnt even a hard landing it was a nothing.


Yo hablo ingles
You might have a lisfranc injury. I did that on my SJ when my foot got caught in the foothold. You cant really see it on an x-ray but you can see it in the MRI. I had to where a boot for like 2 months and I couldn't but any weight on the front of my foot.


new zealand
I did the same on the 8th this month,stuck in the hold side landed one footed on a re entre ,its been two weeks and still sucks to walk on but its coming better .Probably count on being off your ski for one month .Thats my plan anyway._did you get any time off work because of it mate? ;-)
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