Typical week in Wisconsin

West MI
Riding in CA weather is like having an office job - no real man would do that (or so I’m told). Riding in northern climates is what real men do.
West MI
I did it again! This is the third or fourth year where I rode each MONTH in Wisconsin. It was 50+ the past two days here. Had to cut out of work early, sun goes down at 4:30.

I heard a guy recently use the phrase “become comfortable being uncomfortable” (I guess a mil slogan or something), and it really makes sense. Once you’re there, you can do all kinds of things without really thinking about the discomfort that would dominate the minds of others. Not that you’re defined by the discomfort, but you just enjoy the thing you’re doing, whatever it is, despite it.


walking on water
I heard a guy recently use the phrase “become comfortable being uncomfortable” (I guess a mil slogan or something), and it really makes sense. Once you’re there, you can do all kinds of things without really thinking about the discomfort that would dominate the minds of others. Not that you’re defined by the discomfort, but you just enjoy the thing you’re doing, whatever it is, despite it.
I've come to enjoy colder months of riding. I get the river to myself. Engine produces more horsepower, and the pipe hits hard! yeeee
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