ughh i never should had rode it...

250f's are harder on valves for obvious reason. your wide open alot more, so they are revving more. i am on the rev limiter ALOT and put a set of vavles in in the spring and they were fine all year. the first time you have the motor apart have someone cut the valve seats so they allow the valve head to hit with alittle more surface area, it makes huge difference on the kawis. the first year i had a 250f i put three sets of intakes in it, now i do them once a year and they never move....if you want next time i got home i will tell you teh specs on how i had mine cut, i would tell you but i am at school.
there is no comp. between the 2 and 4 stroke the 4 stroke is way better i raced motocross for years and ive rode them all its like this you could go out and get a 2 stroke and it would be like having a 550 or you could go get a
4 stroke and it would be like getting a superjet as long as your maintnece
is kept up on the 4 stroke it will hold up if you concider the costs they arent much different in up keep if you figure re-building the 2 stroke every week
and tuening the thing in pain the four stroke is more to re-build but your only doing that every couple of mounths and thats only if your an A class rider a
rec guy could run a 4 stroke for years just keeping up on the valve adjustments and oil changes but thats just my oppinion


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
There is more to riding than motocross. It does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing. I'd watch I love Lucy before I watched it on TV. Now gncc..... yeah baby, throw some obstacles in there
There is more to riding than motocross. It does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing. I'd watch I love Lucy before I watched it on TV. Now gncc..... yeah baby, throw some obstacles in there

i will somewhat agree with you there, i did my fair share of Harescrambles and some GNCC's, won the PA state harescramble series twice. and on my off weekends from HS i would run MX. then i dont know there is just something about MX for me i just find it more fun. i love throwing it down off a jump or railing a berm, its just awesome...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
prefer harescrambles/Enduro's over MX..... done a few here in alabama......"The Gobble Getter", it draws some big names......... Never finished, was worn out by the time we made it back to the big reset where you get gas..........
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