So this all began back with an old Pjs race ski that i got off craigslist for 200 bucks. Paint was fresh, skit was bare for the most part besides a pjs ported race water box. Flat decked it and put a fresh rebuilt motor with a reed adapter and Sbn44 in it. Polished everything on the damn thing. Ran it HARD for a whole season, jumping wake and chasing every boat i could. Hull was cracking apart in numerous places, so i cut it all apart, shortend it 7 inches in the front and formed a custom nose, Cut about 5 inches off the back, full Carbon 2x2 12k Epoxy resin, Inside and out. Spent pay to much time and drank a lot of beer to compete it. Custom everything, Superjet handle pole shorted 6 inches, And way to much more to even remember. Got about 8 rides on it, way under powered for the weight but still fun at hell!!! Sunk it, i may have been drunk... bent a rod or two. Sooo Now im putting a high compression 701 and Bpipe in it!!! That should solve my problem.