umi pole


ok does anyone konw if you can shorten a umi pole were would you cut if poss

cheers guys

I would cut it at the top weld before it bends for the chin pad, no stress there, if you cut it at the bottom that will be the stress point, just take it off the ski and get a chop saw with a carbide blade, I would use 80 toothblade or more and cut it. The stock size is way too long. I'd cut 4" off it...


drillin like a villian
UMI poles are the easiest to shorten IMO, Take a zizz wheel to the welds at the bottom and pull the base casting off. Cut off the amount you want to shorten from the pole. Slide the pole back into the base making sure it is straight. weld it back together. Done deal, and it looks "factory" Thats how I did mine, been holding up for a few years now.
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