Guys....The city is taking over because at this point that is the only way it can get through the process of an expedited approval. The city has been trying hard to find a way to make this work for us all. They understand the impacts to all involved and are really trying. Insurance has been secured, as well as most of the approvals/permits. This is a very unfortunate turn of events that we're trying very hard to have go the right way. Please don't buy into all the conjecture on why this happened. Frankly, at this point, it hardly matters. All of our energy is on trying to make this happen as planned. If information isn't shared on whether this event is on or off, it's because that information does not yet exist. I know that doesn't help folks planning to travel, but I want to be clear that no one is holding back info......we simply don't have a definitive call from the city yet.