UPDATE!!!! SKI WAS FOUND!!!!! Another ski lands in a watery grave


Shootin' The Crap
Karma bitch-slapped me yesterday. I let some friends ride my ski and one of them got knocked off and couldn't get back on quick enough before the ski got flipped by a boat wake and sank in 50 feet or so of water. Tried unsuccessfully to locate it last night and all day today to no avail.

RIP "Twitchy" AKA "Kirstie" because she was carrying around alot of water weight in the waterlogged foam.

Any pointers on trying to locate it?
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Shootin' The Crap
where'd you lose it?

fresh, salt, surf?

In the pass between Shell Island and St. Andrews State Park. I was riding surf earlier in the day and took a break and let a friend borrow it. It sank into the shipping channel and could be anywhere by now. The tide was rushing in all night and might have pushed it up into the bay, but if there was any buoancy to the ski it could have drifted out of the pass and into the Gulf of Mexico.


Shootin' The Crap
oooooooooh, that sucks. Dive gear or hiring a diver is my advice.

Had some young Navy divers volunteer to go in yesterday evening, but they were unable to locate anything the short time they were down. They got spooked by some bull sharks and quit. Some other divers were out in the general area for about an hour but didn't see anything because the visibility is only about 10 feet. Have some other divers/friends going tomorrow morning---maybe I'll get lucky.


Orlando, FL
what hull was it?
Karma bitch-slapped me yesterday. I let some friends ride my ski and one of them got knocked off and couldn't get back on quick enough before the ski got flipped by a boat wake and sank in 50 feet or so of water. Tried unsuccessfully to locate it last night and all day today to no avail.

RIP "Twitchy" AKA "Kirstie" because she was carrying around alot of water weight in the waterlogged foam.

Any pointers on trying to locate it?


Shootin' The Crap
Skywalker used a side image sonar fish finder to find his ... it worked .. then hired a diver to tie a rope to it .

I used a similar Sonar today to know avail. Humminbird brand but it wouldn't pick up what we needed to mainly because of the depth I think. This is a new (and not enjoyable) experience for me.
Damn Chick, sorry to hear it brother. Just when she got back on the water.. Really hope you find her. Best of luck!


Yardsale Master
I almost lost a friends RN a few yrs ago in a lake near me.... Its a reservoir and about 100-150ft deep.. Very scary.. He was riding his couch in front of me and looked back to see the handle pole and me sticking out of the water.. That was it.. I was holding on for dear life.. He was like let it go I have Insurance.. I said NO I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE A SKI! Especially one that is NOT mine! We managed to drag it the 100yds to the steep gravel bank and dump it out enough to get it back to camp... I was just riding and fell.. all while holding on still, hit the start button and it did a half a crank and suddenly nose dived and fully submerged in 3 seconds... Carbon hood had sealing issues which allowed water in...

Sorry for your loss P-A-D!! I wish you luck in finding it!
man that sucks, best of luck finisng it. i almost lost my first ski, i wouldn't let it go, water was freezing and i was getting dragged like a mofo down stream with the current. by the time i actually got to shore i was about 400 yds down from where i actually started swimming to shore

also why im very limited to who rides my ski. unless im very close. (which im sure you were thats why you let him ride it)

SJ Thumpa

Karma bitch-slapped me yesterday. I let some friends ride my ski and one of them got knocked off and couldn't get back on quick enough before the ski got flipped by a boat wake and sank in 50 feet or so of water. Tried unsuccessfully to locate it last night and all day today to no avail.

RIP "Twitchy" AKA "Kirstie" because she was carrying around alot of water weight in the waterlogged foam.

Any pointers on trying to locate it?

Hopefully she's not lost but how am I going to break the news to Britney
So I guess there was no insurance??? Which SUX. Good luck but the way you described it I don't think it'll happen the search could go on for miles.
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