ups shipping issue

so i shipped an item out, not jetski related ( dirtbike motor). shipped in big rubbermaid container, top ziptied on with about 20 zipties, item shows up to the customer in a brown cardboard box, and the item is damaged. Has anyone ever had ups take an item out of the original packaging and put it in different packaging?

Jet Set Performance

I just wanna ride!
Cherry Hill, NJ
It happens, usually if the original box, or container in your case, is damaged beyond practical use. I can only imagine that your Rubbermaid container got damaged either at one of the hubs (building it is shipped from or to, which is likely), or in transit between the hubs. I hope you chose to insure the motor, and for a good value too. Trying to get UPS to pay up for a claim is extremely difficult. Good luck, keep us posted with what happens.
yeah it was insured, and it sat at a ups facility near the customer for a few days, which is where i assume the damage happened.... but either way it was not damaged when it left me, it was damaged while in their hands and they switched the container. i hope they at least cover the repair cost.... but i guess we will see


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
They "usually" handle stuff like that in there system a little differently (does not ride the conveyors). But I am guessing someone probably tossed it on the belt anyway and it got thrashed and broke open.

Take care of your customer.. then file a claim and hope for the best.
i have been in contact with the customer and ups is supposed to contact him either today or tomorrow. i think its funny that they put it in t a cardboard box... im sure they are going to try to tell me that i did not use the correct container to ship it, but the box they put it in is suitable.... haha


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Not UPS, but I used a USPS small flat rate box to ship 2 head domes to Kyle at DASA. The box was held up at a sorting facility for several days and when Kyle finally got it he text me a photo of 2 bottles of Hooka juice haha. It was my original box but it was ripped all to hell. Eventually the sorters found my empty box and just decided to put whatever they had in the lost in found in the box. Package was not insured so I got a tuff luck from USPS. Thankfully Kyle is the brownie man and helped me out with replacement domes. Gotta love this awesome jetski community


This Is The Way
Staff member
The unfortunate part is if it was improperly packaged, and the box blew apart, regardless of how they repackaged it, they will probably say it was improperly packaged by you and can deny the insurance coverage.
The unfortunate part is if it was improperly packaged, and the box blew apart, regardless of how they repackaged it, they will probably say it was improperly packaged by you and can deny the insurance coverage.
the packing and container that i shipped it in is MIA... im betting it all got tossed


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
No way that our original container with the dirtbike motor broke unless of neglect on UPS's side. It was rated for 600lbs, and my friend that is an engineer for rubbermaid told us it was the toughest container out there... (It was actually not a rubbermaid tub, it was one of there competitors that tested better than all rubbermaid stuff lol.)
take pictures of the engine packed from inside and from package outside prior to shipping it, that way the recipient knows what to expect and can at time of delivery immediately file a claim... I had much better luck shipping engines in boxes than rubber tubs, it appears that FedEx, USPS, UPS don't like the rubber tubs...


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
@jo5hi3 should have pictures of it packed from the outside...but I dont think the inside. I have shipped a lot of things in my day...I was the shipping manager for a glass mosaic tile company and almost never had anything ever break....I know how to pack poop lol. Im thinking they ran it over with a truck or something.
Thats nothing I ordered some stuff from sears last week and what showed up at my door was a box with some packaging materials and a receipt but no merchandise

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
@jo5hi3 should have pictures of it packed from the outside...but I dont think the inside. I have shipped a lot of things in my day...I was the shipping manager for a glass mosaic tile company and almost never had anything ever break....I know how to pack poop lol. Im thinking they ran it over with a truck or something.
Calling BS. All Tile Breaks in shipping by fedex or UPS...................... LOL Ask me how I know.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Best one yet is an actual box of tile with a shipping label. Or a pallet with about 6 boxes laid down flat with shrink wrap............. yeah, there were one or two pcs that were still usable.
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